The New Hall Of Famers: Jim Kelly's one of the best QBs to never win a Superbowl, and I'm just slightly biased in my appraisal of George Allen - but are there some people you think should be in the hall that aren't (Art Monk, hello???)?
SI's Dr. Z, a voter, has some good points on the people who made it, who didn't and why, and who he pushes for and against.
posted by nath at 06:39 PM on August 03, 2002
I have never been a Dr. Z fan...
posted by owillis at 09:55 PM on August 03, 2002
New faces are Marcus Allen and Gary Zimmerman, the offensive tackle. Allen would be a maybe on my chart, depending on who he's up against. marcus allen is a maybe? a maybe? get real, dr.z. and it's shameful that bob hayes isn't in yet. maybe next year.
posted by lescour at 02:47 AM on August 04, 2002
Art Monk needs to be in the hall of fame. He's the Cal Ripken of that other sport.
posted by djacobs at 11:38 AM on August 05, 2002
I have never been a Dr. Z fan... Why not? I'm curious.
posted by nath at 07:07 PM on August 05, 2002
Ken Anderson touchdown passes: 197 passing yards: 32,838 completions 2654 Anderson also has the 4th highest career QB ranking: Steve Young 96.8 Otto Graham 93.1 Joe Montana 92.3 Ken Anderson 87.5 Dan Marino 86..4