Great link, thanks for all of us.
posted by gfinsf at 05:08 AM on May 04, 2006
Great read Gary. Thanks for sharing.
posted by SummersEve at 07:23 AM on May 04, 2006
drood you forgot cigars {hot dogs beer and cigars}
posted by FrankySP at 07:42 AM on May 04, 2006
I'm saddened that he will pass the record....
posted by at 08:35 AM on May 04, 2006
Just for reference, here are Guy Bush's career numbers. He was actually one of baseball's better pitchers during the late 20s and early 30s. Also, thanks to the Hamiton Spectator for pointing out that the third photo accompanying the article was indeed a "baseball".
posted by wfrazerjr at 08:37 AM on May 04, 2006
I have to say this site is really educational when it comes to the baseball. I followed the sport all my life (25 years, a drop in the bucket to some of you old timers) but I learn something new everyday about this game. I'm afraid to post in the baseball thread because you all have copious amounts of knowledge on the game and I hate getting schooled like that. I guess I just want to say thanks for the info.
posted by HATER 187 at 08:45 AM on May 04, 2006
Great article - Just one typo at the end, it was Eric Show, not Eric Snow, that gave up Pete Rose's 4,192nd hit.
posted by ajsrest at 08:51 AM on May 04, 2006
A great read, for certain. But what makes Bush different from the guy who will serve up Bonds' #715 is that when Ruth hit 714 it was indeed a record number... Only thing that bugs me about the article is that it references the guys who gave up the record hit's to Rose, McGuire and Bonds at the end - each of whom are (were in McGuire's case) record holders - when a more accurate reference in Bond's chasing Ruth would be the guys who are #2. Here's hoping we can avoid continued debate about Bonds passing Ruth's "record."
posted by MW12 at 09:01 AM on May 04, 2006
Cool read. The Spectator is an underrated paper.
posted by WeedyMcSmokey at 09:18 AM on May 04, 2006
How's a guy in pensacola catch wind of that article a couple of hours before "The Spec" hits the streets? My wife & I take turns delivering 150 editions of that paper each morning -- my taking an extended break reading that article probably had a few subscribers standing on the doorstep wondering where their paper was this morning.
posted by hb74147 at 10:12 AM on May 04, 2006
Great article, Gary. Do you know if the Spectator is available widely in Panama City? I'm headed there tomorrow to catch up with my sister.
posted by Ufez Jones at 06:04 PM on May 04, 2006
Ufez, I have no idea. I just ran into the article online last night. No idea how I got there. I didn't even realize it was a canadian paper until a few minutes ago. I'm about 2 hours from panama city, and haven't been there in a while, and I've never looked for it locally, so I just don't know. Sorry (but I hope you have good weather on your trip).
posted by justgary at 06:56 PM on May 04, 2006
Jebus. I just realized (or shall I say, realised) that the Hamiltonian was an Ontarian newspaper. I just assumed given the locale of the story and the nearby locale of the justgary that it was a FloraBama rag. Stupid tricksy .com instead of .ca URL and 905 vs. 850 area code. offtopic: I'll say this, justgary - my sis lived in Fort Walton for a few years and move to PC last year and damn if it isn't tough keeping up with events down there. I know Pensacola's quite a bit larger, but sans internet access, I kinda feel lost down there. It's good and bad.
posted by Ufez Jones at 10:27 PM on May 04, 2006
Ah, the amazing power of steroids... And Ruth did it on hot dogs and beer... Perhaps if we can get Bonds to pork up a bit, it'll lend some credibility...