First Jet Powered "Birdman" Human Skydiver: Oct. 25th 2005: Lahti, Finland..... Visa Parviainen and the Birdman Rocket Team make the 1st ever Jet Powered Birdman Flight. Awesome Video.... One more reason to love Skydivers and Skydiving....
posted by skydivedad to extreme at 07:31 PM - 12 comments
Wow I use the same fuels for homemade patato guns. Must admit the vids look cool and go for it sdd. Looking for your photos in the future.
posted by Folkways at 07:51 PM on January 09, 2006
Holy crap- that takes some serious balls, even though he still had a parachute if things went bad. Great link, sdd- gonna go watch those other videos too, these seem like some bad mothers! :) Just watching him sit on the platform, I was scared for him, when he just let himself sort of fall off... somehow, this seems so much different than normal skydiving, where you leap out of a plane, and have a big parachute... oh, and no kerosene filled bags or jet engines strapped to your feet. SDD: don't try this until at least February 6th; wouldn't you skydivemom to be able to put "Costanza Winner" on your tombstone?
posted by hincandenza at 08:53 PM on January 09, 2006
This is just entirely way too insane. Where do I sign up?
posted by rawpwr at 09:30 PM on January 09, 2006
Hal My skydiving invite to you is still open. Let me know when you want to go.
posted by skydivedad at 10:09 PM on January 09, 2006
I want to see those boots added in skeleton racing.
posted by Turbo at 08:23 AM on January 10, 2006
i will stick with skydiving until the rocket thing gets perfected a bit, otherwise i view it like bungee jumping and BASE jumping. i will do it once just to say that i have. do you have to go from a balloon everytime? i guess the ramp of plane would work?
posted by skydive at 09:19 AM on January 10, 2006
i guess the ramp of plane would work? posted by skydive at 9:19 AM CST on January 10 Hi skydive, Welcome glad your here. Definately a tailgater Casa, Skyvan, or sidedoor Otter, Caravan maybe King Aire but how kewl would a Blimp exit be! I don't no enough about it but maybe they needed a subterminal exit to prime the Jets and make sure they don't flame out.
posted by skydivedad at 09:39 AM on January 10, 2006
Bad. Ass. Thanks, skydivedad!
posted by redsnare at 11:38 AM on January 10, 2006
That's crazy awesome! Thanks!
posted by willthrill72 at 01:28 PM on January 10, 2006
SDD: I recall that from the other thread, supposedly you may be heading out to my neck of the woods this summer? If you do find your way out to seattle, give me some advance notice; I may very well take you up on your offer to help me in my inaugural run!
posted by hincandenza at 02:56 AM on January 11, 2006
Yahoo, I'm going skydiving with Hal!
posted by skydivedad at 06:26 AM on January 11, 2006
Once Visa left the balloon there was no turning back. Each Rocket Boot (really small Jet Engines) Each produces appx. 16kgs of thrust and primed on a mixture of butane/propane. Once ignited the Jets run on kerosene (JetA1) Fuel. It burns at a rate of .5 litres per minute, full throttle, together both Boots produce enough thrust to sustain level flight for your average weight (skydivedad) WingSuit equipped skydiver. This jump proves that sustained level human flight, outside the use of aircraft, is possible using Jet Power and a Winged Birdman Suit! I gotta try this!