Breaking Down the Classics with Orson Welles, : or something comparable: select Boston sports media members get to watch Bill Belichick break down film of all-time greats.
Aw, man...and he did this for members of the media??? I guess it makes sense, though -- there are some of 'em who could really use the schooling.
posted by lil_brown_bat at 11:00 AM on January 03, 2006
Perhaps writing about breaking down films is difficult, but I was really hoping for an in depth and detailed discussion about how Belichick goes about the task. Not only am I disappointed that Bellichick did this just for the media, I'm pissed that Mike Reiss didn't write a better article.
posted by 86 at 11:26 AM on January 03, 2006
neat. Mike Tice must not have been available.
posted by tron7 at 12:21 PM on January 03, 2006
It would've been funny if he'd decided to give 'em a scare and gone all Madden in the video session: "And why did Pepper Johnson make that play? 'Cause he came to play FOOTBALL!"
posted by DrJohnEvans at 12:37 PM on January 03, 2006
Brett Farve reminds me of Brett Farve when he throws the ball like that..the only player who could do that before was Brett Farve...its like he was playing Brett Farve because thats what Brett Farve does.
posted by steelcityguy at 01:18 PM on January 03, 2006
Wonder how much money Ford would have to pay Belichick to come coach the Lions?
posted by Ying Yang Mafia at 04:52 PM on January 03, 2006
1 GOZILLION DOLLARS, which I beleive is something like 27 and 1/2 zeros.
posted by sumokenobi at 05:28 PM on January 03, 2006
I think it would be cheaper to just buy the Patriots and bring over whatever Lions you wanted to have play for Belichick.
posted by chicobangs at 06:14 PM on January 03, 2006
I think it would be cheaper still to accept the inevitable and buy a Pats hat.
posted by lil_brown_bat at 06:22 PM on January 03, 2006
It's playoff time.Who cares about the Lions.I'm just waiting to see the Patriots vs Colts.
posted by rwdaven1 at 06:43 PM on January 03, 2006
Coach is awesome i wish he would stream that stuff to us fans we would eat it up.....
posted by rolandeblunt at 09:47 PM on January 03, 2006
Who cares about the Lions. Me. Fire Millen.
posted by Ying Yang Mafia at 04:42 PM on January 04, 2006
Who cares about the Lions. Me. Fire Millen. The lions are just one wide receiver away.
posted by gronir_ hitrops at 12:00 AM on January 05, 2006
If you're in the Boston area, looks like Channel 5 will have clips of this tonight (1/6/06) on their Pats show.
posted by yerfatma at 12:12 PM on January 06, 2006
Bill Belichick is a genius when it comes to breaking down film. That was a trait that he learned from one of the greatest film minds ever, Steve Belichick. Can you say; 3 IN A ROW!!!