Hidden: Owens apologizes to Eagles coach, QB, Team President and fans but the Eagles won't take him back.: I guess this douche realized he was losing money or no one would want him with his shit attitude. Big ups to Eagles managment for not backing down.
Welcome to OwensFilter!
posted by grum@work at 04:05 PM on November 08, 2005
In listening to excerpts on radio, the best part was when a reporter asked TO's agent Drew the Pooh what he had done for TO other than get him kicked off the team. Response: "Next question."
posted by graymatters at 04:19 PM on November 08, 2005
Owens is a fuckin' clown, but here's hoping they let him back - I'll claim him in my Fantasy Football League and ride him to the prize money. Besides that, I could give a rat's ass about the Iggles. Next year Owens will probably line up next to the other head case in Oaktown.
posted by The Gangstinator at 04:21 PM on November 08, 2005
File Owens under "Just Doesn't Get It". Is there anyone who believes this was motivated by a desire to move beyond this latest incident in a long pattern of truly selfish and assholish behaviour or was it about the money? Yeah, its always about the paychecks, isn't it. I hope the Eagles stick to their guns and keep this bitch benched.
posted by fenriq at 04:28 PM on November 08, 2005
Please put these all in one thread to make it easier to skip. Who has anything left to say about this?
posted by yerfatma at 04:33 PM on November 08, 2005
I hear Jeff Garcia is lobbying for TO to come to Detroit, he wants TO to apologize to him so they can have great make up sex.
posted by tselson at 04:35 PM on November 08, 2005
I already posted on the other thread, but one more prediction: T.O. & agent will talk to a lawyer to explore their litigation options against the Eagles and the NFL.
posted by alumshubby at 04:44 PM on November 08, 2005
>>>To McNabb, Owens said, "I apologize to him for any comments that may have been negative." MAY have been negative?!! Sheesh... He just doesn't get it, and never will. Kudos to the Eagles for putting him right where he should be - OFF the team.