Women's basketball: meets boxing men's basketball. (Video link) via Offwing
posted by 86 to basketball at 09:52 AM - 17 comments
Anyone remember the Storm-Sparks fisticuffs of '03 and earlier? Certain amount of grudge there, but the Storm got the best revenge of all in '04, IMO.
posted by lil_brown_bat at 10:15 AM on March 09, 2005
Boy, that wasn't too bright on the kicker's part, was it? If you're going to start a fight, don't start when you're on the floor. That was a pretty devastating left to the face, plus the whiplash knock to the back of the head, then the basketball dropped on her face, etc... ouch.
posted by dusted at 12:04 PM on March 09, 2005
The two-handed-shove/left-hook combo is delivered by Elaine Powell, a guard for the Detroit Shock I see our scouts are still on the ball, getting the right players for our city...
posted by MeatSaber at 12:57 PM on March 09, 2005
I'm with dusted. If you're gonna kick from that position, you better make sure you break that leg. She totally deserved that ass-whupping. And, sorry to say it, she kicked like a girl. [humorfilter on!]
posted by worldcup2002 at 01:00 PM on March 09, 2005
I was thinking the same thing dusted.....if you just got clotheslined taking it to the hoop, the last thing you do is some dainty kick while sitting down. But what a response to the kick!!!
posted by smithers at 01:27 PM on March 09, 2005
I was thinking the same thing dusted.....if you just got clotheslined taking it to the hoop, the last thing you do is some dainty kick while sitting down. Euros don't know how to play hoops ;-) (at least not like they play it in Detroit...and LA...and Seattle...)
posted by lil_brown_bat at 02:11 PM on March 09, 2005
Hmmm ... anyone want to bet Polish authorities do the right thing and throw Powell in the slammer for a little while? That's fucking assault.
posted by wfrazerjr at 02:39 PM on March 09, 2005
Polish people, women's basketball... I can't believe I can't think of a punchline.
posted by Samsonov14 at 03:46 PM on March 09, 2005
Hmmm ... anyone want to bet Polish authorities do the right thing and throw Powell in the slammer for a little while? That's fucking assault. I haven't really been keeping up with things, but have any of the Pistons-Pacers been thrown in the slammer yet for Fucking Assault?
posted by lil_brown_bat at 06:01 PM on March 09, 2005
Nah, Assault said it was totally consensual.
posted by DrJohnEvans at 06:07 PM on March 09, 2005
It took me a minute, Dr. John.
posted by dusted at 06:10 PM on March 09, 2005
Wow. I'm really surprised that didn't end up being a full-out brawl. The ass-whooped girl's teammates sure didn't do diddly afterwards...
posted by grum@work at 08:10 PM on March 09, 2005
Grum, I think if you back and look closely at Powell's face in that video, there was some recognition from the opposing team that she was absolutely off her fucking nut. I'm not sure I would have stepped to her.
posted by wfrazerjr at 08:32 PM on March 09, 2005
Yeah, she had clearly had it. Now I really wish I could see the rest of the game (and I wish the sound was on). I did do a little hunting around on the other team's website (which is where the vid is posted) and found a couple more action shots here and an article here. Anyone speak Polish?
posted by lil_brown_bat at 10:20 PM on March 09, 2005
Look at it again. Is the ref really copping a feel with his right hand?
posted by geekyguy at 05:29 AM on March 10, 2005
Actually, the perv has a pretty good two-handed grip at first. Good catch, geekyguy!
posted by dusted at 11:31 AM on March 10, 2005
For those not familiar with women's basketball, the video is from a Polish league. The two-handed-shove/left-hook combo is delivered by Elaine Powell, a guard for the Detroit Shock.