Want to play a little soccer?: Have some Friday flash fun. My high score is pathetic.
keepyuppy with your stinky finger, who came up with that? 9. sheesh.
posted by worldcup2002 at 04:44 PM on October 08, 2004
25. It helps to click on the upper half of the ball.
posted by jason streed at 04:55 PM on October 08, 2004
Five. Sounds like a bigger number if I spell it out. F-i-v-e!
posted by billsaysthis at 05:55 PM on October 08, 2004
Crap, the best I could do was 8!
posted by jasonbondshow at 06:37 PM on October 08, 2004
posted by goddam at 08:18 PM on October 08, 2004
42 on my first try. Is the ball filled with helium because it just floats up there.
posted by grum@work at 09:55 AM on October 09, 2004
I made 37. But I can't be arsed to do any better with France v Ireland on soon.
posted by squealy at 01:17 PM on October 09, 2004
Played for about 5 minutes, took a break, and then first game back scored 65. Stupid rainy day.
posted by Ufez Jones at 01:54 PM on October 09, 2004
High score ten...and then i had enough.