In a recent interview with ESPN's Gary Miller, Chicago Cubs outfielder Moises Alou revealed that during baseball season he urinates on his hands to toughen them up. Alou, one of the few major leaguers who doesn't wear gloves while batting, is backed up by Yankees catcher Jorge Posada, who says, "You don't want to shake my hand during spring training."
posted by Ufez Jones to baseball at 09:32 AM - 9 comments
By the way ... best possible headline for this story? Urine trouble. /stole it from Fark.
posted by wfrazerjr at 12:24 PM on May 21, 2004
(a) I think I have read that urine is a pretty clean substance. I don't think it has germs in it or anything. I mean, it's not like the guy's crapping himself. (b) Moises Alou is Jim Norton's new favorite ballplayer. Crinkle crinkle.
posted by molafson at 03:58 PM on May 21, 2004
I have read that urine is a pretty clean substance Yeah, pure urine.
posted by Jugwine at 04:35 PM on May 21, 2004
(a) I think I have read that urine is a pretty clean substance. I don't think it has germs in it or anything. I mean, it's not like the guy's crapping himself. Sure it is. In fact, it's better to drink it than to go dehydrated. Our bodies have pretty good liquid filtration systems. I just liked the superstition aspect of it. And, you know, it is Friday...
posted by Ufez Jones at 04:41 PM on May 21, 2004
Are you taking the piss off me? That would piss me off, ok? What makes you tinkle I would believe this story? Don't you think it's just a wee bit peesumptuous of you to think that? Why don't you just piss off? What makes you think I would spend a penny on this thought? Just go, and let me relieve myself of this anger. Let me just shake it off. OK, I'm done.
posted by worldcup2002 at 06:03 PM on May 21, 2004
What makes you think I would spend a penny on this thought? I just don't know what that one is about. I get all the other puns, but this one must be a UK/Euro-only one.
posted by grum@work at 08:13 PM on May 21, 2004
pay toilets??
posted by smithers at 10:54 PM on May 21, 2004
urban dictionary is your friend.
posted by goddam at 11:33 PM on May 21, 2004
There's more to this. Apparently Alou told Miller about this thinking they were just talking, and Miller chose to use it in a story. Then Miller recently showed up to apologize to Alou — with an ESPN film crew in tow. Miller, who was once arrested for urinating on an off-duty police officer, apparently just showed piss-poor judgement in this instance. Oh, and by the way, apparently there aren't any Star Wars fans at Check out the article on Johnny Damon at the bottom of the page. Any good American knows it's "Chewbacca", you dolts.