Thanks for the dong last postseason. Now get out.: The Yankees release third baseman Aaron Boone, who put them in the 2003 World Series with a dramatic 11th-inning home run. Boone waxed his knee playing basketball in the offseason, and New York is claiming that voids most of his contract. Of course, the Bronx Bombers do have some other guy to play the hot corner now.
Boone shouldn't feel too bad. I mean, they had to go out and trade for Alex freakin Rodriguez just to replace him at third! See? There's a positive spin on everything, if ya look hard enough...
posted by bcb2k2 at 02:31 PM on February 26, 2004
Well...They didn't have to get ARod specifically (who hasn't even played 3B except in an ASG for half an inning) to reproduce Boone's performance or replace him. Boone's going to miss an exciting season. Hopefully his injury isn't career ending or anything.
posted by jerseygirl at 02:37 PM on February 26, 2004
I don't know much about Boone, and only saw him in post season pin stripes, but from what I saw of him, his defense is atrocious. I think he was solely responsible for atleast 1 base hit/game
posted by garfield at 02:44 PM on February 26, 2004
Don't worry about Boone. Like I wrote on my 'blog, he's going to be a Mariner. I'd just about bet on it: the M's love veteran players, overvalue the skills Boone brings, and could market the Boone brothers together.
posted by jeffmshaw at 02:45 PM on February 26, 2004
...and when did 'dong' become a baseball term?
posted by garfield at 02:46 PM on February 26, 2004
...and when did 'dong' become a baseball term? home run slang
posted by goddam at 02:53 PM on February 26, 2004
Well...They didn't have to get ARod specifically (who hasn't even played 3B except in an ASG for half an inning) to reproduce Boone's performance or replace him. Sorry...guess I should have noted the sarcasm in my post.
posted by bcb2k2 at 02:59 PM on February 26, 2004
sorry i didn't catch it.
posted by jerseygirl at 03:00 PM on February 26, 2004
goddam, I've heard every one except for dong. Dong is an easily drawable phallus in my vocabulary. (shuffles back to a hockey thread)
posted by garfield at 03:34 PM on February 26, 2004
Dong is an easily drawable phallus in my vocabulary. Taking Figure Drawing classes? What do you call a hard-to-draw penis and when do you employ said term?
posted by yerfatma at 04:56 PM on February 26, 2004
Ahhh, my buddy garfield is referring to the adolescent act of "donging". To dong essentially means to draw a crude willy on someone else's possession. Frequently this act is done to cars in the snow or mist, notebooks, lockers, etc. I believe the "easy to draw" reference comes from the fact that the dongs of donging fame are usually simple and to the point, most often crafted with three quick strokes with speed taking priority over craftsmanship.
posted by 86 at 05:03 PM on February 26, 2004
I was doing a little more research on the use of dong and somehow ran across this really cool and weird story. I don't know where it came from, it's not for those who don't want to see cursing ... but I really enjoyed it.
posted by wfrazerjr at 05:29 PM on February 26, 2004
posted by wfrazerjr at 05:37 PM on February 26, 2004
I'm really hoping the guys on Sportscenter begin referring to especially well hit home runs as Long Duck Dongs. I think that might make the season right there.
posted by dzot at 09:20 AM on February 27, 2004
does that pic of gedde show up or not for you all? It didn't at home for me last night.
posted by wfrazerjr at 09:21 AM on February 27, 2004
Nope, it doesn't show up.
posted by 86 at 09:37 AM on February 27, 2004
I wonder if that's because I'm linking from a yahoo briefcase? Does that not work?
posted by wfrazerjr at 01:47 PM on February 27, 2004
Is it too much to hope that this move has begun the Curse of the Boonebino, decades of dashed hopes and failed seasons for the Yankees?