September 30, 2024

MLB hit king Pete Rose dead at 83: Pete Rose, Major League Baseball's hit king who was later banned from baseball entirely, died on Monday afternoon, the Cincinnati Reds announced.

posted by BornIcon to baseball at 08:50 PM - 4 comments

I wish Ray Fosse had outlived him.

posted by beaverboard at 05:04 PM on October 01, 2024

I used to run into Pete occasionally growing up outside of Cincinnati--he lived in the town next to mine that was zoned all residential, so he had to come to my town to shop. You'd always know Pete was around because he drove a bright red Porsche 930. Dude was a hell of a competitor and ball player, but he was dumb as a bag of hammers.

posted by tahoemoj at 04:29 PM on October 02, 2024

He was one of the greatest players of all time. What he lacked in talent he made up for in grit, determination, and hustle. Unfortunately, he was a very flawed human. I must admit I loved listening to him talk baseball. But, I also must admit, that I didn't like the guy (but I loved the player). It was tough being a huge Reds fan my whole life and not liking one of the teams all time greats as a person. Some of the stories I've heard from many who knew him (I grew up and now live just north of Cincy and I know quite a few people in the horse racing industry) doesn't paint a pretty picture. In a strange way, I have Pete to thank for helping me realize at a fairly young age that my sports or music (for that matter) heroes don't have to be my "real life" heroes. RIP Peter Edward Rose.

posted by jagsnumberone at 08:36 PM on October 02, 2024

I've been wondering if Pete Rose was our most overdebated subject on SportsFilter.

I loved Rose's intensity as a kid discovering baseball in the '70s. It was enthralling to see him run the bases in that Prince Valiant haircut like warplanes were peppering the ground with bullets.

posted by rcade at 06:19 PM on October 03, 2024

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