What book weighs 75 pounds, has over 800 pages and 3,000 photographs, was bound by the official bindery of the Vatican, cost $3,000, and is on my Christmas wish list? GOAT*
*"Greatest of All Time"
There's no question that some of the motivation behind creating this book was so the author had something to jack off about. But the Sistine Chapel is the same way...an extension of the creator more than the work itself and doesn't detract from the overall coolness of the project. I first saw the book in last week's N.Y.Times Magazine in an article about design concepts...
posted by vito90 at 10:49 AM on December 09, 2003
Isn't three large a bit much for a coffee-table book? It definitely seems like a cool book, but my new Dell cost that much.
posted by garfield at 11:28 AM on December 09, 2003
Damn, that's a whole lotta book. I would venture to guess though that once the original 10,000 are sold a more realistic version will be available to the masses for around $100.
posted by Ufez Jones at 11:50 AM on December 09, 2003
shouuldn't it have been MOAT Most Overrated of All Time???
posted by dales15 at 02:27 PM on December 09, 2003
vito - Original essays and the best interviews and writings on the Champ of the last five decades, from hundreds of writers, totaling nearly 600,000 words. This is a collection of writing and pictures rather than one person's work. I can't think of another sports figure who might be more worthy of a book that size. These must be tonnes of good writing about Ali, loads of good pictures and heck, if it is all in one place and you're a person that digs Ali then you must be in book heaven. This book was the source of my Ask Spofi question about Ali. The OSM published some excerpts (or at least it was my impression that they were excerpts since that issue talked about the new book to lead off the special section about Ali): Bud Schulberg on Ali: The Rise, Ferdie Pacheco on Ali: The Body, Thomas Hauser on Ali: The Entertainer and Ali:The Legacy, William Lee on Ali: the Classic Fights, and David Remnick on Ali: The Paradox
posted by gspm at 06:14 PM on December 09, 2003
Ali: The Overpriced Novelty Coffee-Table Book. $3,000? That's a joke, right?
posted by WeedyMcSmokey at 10:51 AM on December 10, 2003
gspm - thank you for all those great links!
posted by vito90 at 01:13 PM on December 11, 2003
'The most megalomaniacal book in the history of civilization.' Heh. I think that about sums it up.