NBA Playoff Pick 'Em: Conference Finals: The Raptors will take on the so far unbeaten Cavaliers and the (surprise!) Thunder face off against the Warriors. Standings and picks for the conference finals inside.
posted by Ufez Jones to basketball at 07:08 PM - 19 comments
For the conference finals:
Pick the winner of each series and how many games it will take. One point for getting the winner right, 3 points for getting winner and correct number of games. No points for getting number of games but wrong team.
Bonus points:
- Pick which player has the highest average PTS + REB + AST in this round (2 points)
- Name the player that will have the most blocks in this round (2 points)
- Name the player that will have the most steals in this round (2 points)
- Name the player that will have the most personal fouls in this round (2 points)
- Name the player that will have the most Free Throws Attempted in this round (2 points)
Max points available: 16
posted by Ufez Jones at 07:13 PM on May 15, 2016
Thunder in seven
Cavaliers in six
Draymond Green
Draymond Green
Andr Roberson
Steph Curry
posted by Goyoucolts at 07:20 PM on May 15, 2016
Golden State in 6
Cleveland in 5
PRA: Seth Curry
Blocks: Ibaka
Steals: Westbrook
Fouls: Westbrook
Free Throws: K Thompson
posted by cixelsyd at 08:00 PM on May 15, 2016
Howard, is there an NHL-style President's Trophy curse hitting you this playoff pick-'em season?
CLE in 6
GSW in 6
- Highest average PTS + REB + AST: K Love (CLE)
- Most blocks: D Green (GSW)
- Most steals: L James (CLE)
- Most personal fouls: K Lowry (TOR)
- Most Free Throws Attempted: D Green (GSW)
posted by NoMich at 08:15 PM on May 15, 2016
Cleveland in 5
Golden State in 6
Blocks: Draymond Green
Steals: Lowry
Personal Fouls: Westbrook
Free Throws: James
posted by grum@work at 08:44 PM on May 15, 2016
Grum: what about the player with the highest points, rebounds, and assists?
posted by NoMich at 09:15 PM on May 15, 2016
Howard, is there an NHL-style President's Trophy curse hitting you this playoff pick-'em season?
That very well might be the case. I think the biggest factor is that I am not spending as much time looking at matchups, injuries, and the like. New Hampshire is terribly short of baseball umpires this year, and I have been on the field nearly every afternoon. I have to get all of my chores done in the morning, get to the games early, drive home, and then get dinner ready. By the time I'm done, I have just about enough time to check my e-mail, read the sports news, check SpoFi, and get some sleep. The good news is that I have had to work alone only twice this year, and the coaches were great about not giving me too much grief about tight calls on the bases. There are only about 2 or 3 weeks left in the season, and after this week most of that is tournaments, so the workload will ease up soon.
So now we look at the conference finals:
Toronto had to scramble in both of their series so far, but they seemed to get a bit stronger against Miami as the series went on. It still won't be enough to beat Cleveland. Golden State has too many weapons for Oklahoma City, but the Thunder have suddenly figured out how to close out a game. Could be a fun set of finals.
Cleveland in 6
Golden State in 7
Blocks: Serge Ibaka
Steals: Kyle Lowry
Fouls: Draymond Green
Free throws: DeMar DeRozan
posted by Howard_T at 10:20 PM on May 15, 2016
OKC in 7
Cavs in 5
PTs + REB + AST - Westbrook
BLOCKS - Green
STEALS - Lebron
PF - Green
FT - Harden ... er ... Durant
posted by holden at 11:07 PM on May 15, 2016
Golden State in 6
Cleveland in 6
PRA -LeBron James
Blocks- Draymond Green
Steals- LeBron James
Fouls- Kyle Lowry
Free Throws Attempted- Stephen Curry
posted by ic23b at 11:24 PM on May 15, 2016
Howard: what about the player with the highest points, rebounds, and assists?
posted by NoMich at 07:01 AM on May 16, 2016
Oh wow, I thought I would be getting my ass kicked after picking the Hawks.
Golden State in 7
Cleveland in 5
PRA: Westbrook
Blocks: Biyombo
Steals: James
Fouls: Westbrook
Free Throws: Westbrook
posted by tron7 at 02:07 PM on May 16, 2016
Curry Biyombo Curry Lowry James
These player specific questions are basically _()_/ for the more casual people that don't follow league too closely. Should just be game based.
posted by mkn at 06:37 PM on May 16, 2016
That was a shrug emoticon
posted by mkn at 06:37 PM on May 16, 2016
OKC in 7
CLE in 4
Pts + Reb + Ast: LBJ
Blocks: Stephen Adams
Steals: Westbrook
Fouls: Klay Thompson
FTs: Durant
posted by Ufez Jones at 06:38 PM on May 16, 2016
Golden State in 6
Cavaliers in 6
PRA: LeBron James
Blocks: Draymond Green
Steals: Russell Westbrook
Fouls: Klay Thompson
FT: LeBron James
posted by rcade at 09:07 PM on May 16, 2016
Howard: what about the player with the highest points, rebounds, and assists?
Wow, I missed that one like I missed a couple of calls on the bases today. (My partner got both of them for me, so nobody noticed.)
The Mister Offense Award (Average points, rebounds, assists): Russell Westbrook
posted by Howard_T at 09:53 PM on May 16, 2016
Standings after two rounds:
holden 22
mkn 22
tron7 21
grum@work 21
cixelsyd 19
Goyoucolts 17
rcade 17
ufez 16
rumple 16
NoMich 14
ic23b 14
HowardT 12
billsaysthis 9