Surprise military reunions at NFL games reach peak Bullsh*t: one might wonder why no headline writer went with “Husband Surprises Military Wife At Her Job”
Maybe they are trying to make up for the rotten way we were treated when we came home in the Vietnam era. What should of been one of the happiest days of my life turned out to be by far the worst day of my life, I hid from the public until my hair grew out. Sorry. I would rather see them go overboard welcoming soldiers home then see even one go through the treatment we went through when we came home. Semper Fi.
posted by ic23b at 12:47 AM on September 06, 2015
Billy Lynn's Long Halftime Walk.
posted by owlhouse at 09:46 AM on September 06, 2015
Sorry for your experience, Ic23b. That sucked.
Jacksonville is a military town so military reunions and similar promotions are commonplace. I liked them until I found out the NFL took $5.4 million in public funds from the Department of Defense in exchange for patriotic displays at games.
So now it just seems like the NFL and military are selling a product.
posted by rcade at 10:46 AM on September 06, 2015
It does seem like the perfect marriage, each brand using the other to enhance their own image. On one hand you have the DoD paying the NFL for patriotic displays, and on the other hand you have the NFL donating big bucks (albeit not as many) to military charities. Following the money sure takes the altruism out of these ceremonies.
posted by geneparmesan at 02:07 AM on September 07, 2015
We more than have enough military promotion in life: I see personnel, in full equipment, at major train stations (I presume they're also at major airports). I see commercials, both armed forces and private companies, highlight the military. It has been this way since the World Trade Center towers fell.
We have camouflage uniforms, air flyovers, sections of stadiums reserved for military personnel and their families (who likely were given tickets by the host club) and personnel throwing out first pitches. The NFL's Salute to Service military promotion (with accompanying website to sell uniforms) is the worst of the major sports.
I wish we could go back to the days when we honored America and its military personnel by simply playing the national anthem. I don't believe that will hapen, though.