Opinion: Golden Tate Caught the Touchdown: Some guy on the Internet lays out the most thorough case for why Seattle Seahawks wide receiver Golden Tate deserves the touchdown he was awarded in Monday's game against the Green Bay Packers. With video and photographic evidence, he lays out the Seinfeldian case, suggesting that Tate had one hand on the ball the whole time and his feet touched before M.D. Jennings. He's even uncovered new endzone video from another angle.
I didn't see your link before posting mine. Holy Abraham Zapruder, Batman!
posted by rcade at 09:02 PM on September 26, 2012
But did he make a football move?
posted by lil_brown_bat at 09:53 PM on September 26, 2012
My contention all along was that it was simultaneous possession when they hit the ground, but the real beef was the missed offensive pass interference call. That said, being a Vikings fan, any Packer fan who wants to complain to us about a missed offensive pass intereference call on a "Hail Mary" is cordially invited to stuff it.
(For those too young or not versed in NFL lore to know what I mean, look up "Drew Pearson".)
posted by TheQatarian at 10:18 PM on September 26, 2012
What bothered me through this story was how the NFL threw the back and field judges under the bus. There was no reason to say anything about the missed interference call since that could not have been part of any replay.
The person to throw under the bus was the NFL person who was in the replay booth ... just say the call in the stadium (replay) was blown, but there isn't a mechanism to reverse a final score.
posted by jjzucal at 01:08 AM on September 27, 2012
The most important outcome of this is we'll all get to watch an NFL game in a week or so between 2 contending teams with a *CREW of veteran referees officiating.
*CREW: Guys who have worked together for years and know how to collectively make the best call.
On the Opinion ... Tate should be congratulated on his efforts on the play as he made the correct play on the ball. The defender clearly intercepted the ball but it was a brain fart decision to do so.
No touchdown, Packers win.
posted by cixelsyd at 01:12 AM on September 27, 2012
The person to throw under the bus was the NFL person who was in the replay booth ... just say the call in the stadium (replay) was blown, but there isn't a mechanism to reverse a final score.
What would the replay official reverse? He can't overrule the judgement about possession, that's not reviewable. There isn't anything he could do to change the call, unless one of the players stepped out of bounds when they came down.
The back and field judges ARE to blame. They should have conversed and made a decision, instead of just throwing their hands up (and contradicting each other).
posted by grum@work at 10:57 AM on September 27, 2012
As with anything that is a judgement I just wanted to point out that there could be an argument made for who had possession. I admit that at speed it sure looked like an interception to me. But being a homer like I am I don't think Tate deserves to be vilified for what appears to be a truly competitive football play, save for the pass interference non-call, but even then I guess that's how he gave himself good position.
Anyway, it sure seemed compelling to me.
posted by THX-1138 at 02:10 PM on September 28, 2012
Could it have actually have been a catch?