Worst. Mascot. Ever.: Don't complain about your local mascot until you see the new Montgomery, Alabama AA baseball team, the Montomery Biscuits!
Tom Dickson and Sherrie Myers, the baseball owners that created the nationally recognized Lansing Lugnuts, chose the winning name from more than 3,000 entries submitted in a local name the team contest. The winning contest entry was submitted by Montgomery resident John (Tripp) Vickers. Mr. Vickers� reason for choosing the name Biscuits was clear when he wrote in his entry "It�s playful and fun, plus who doesn�t like Biscuits? All Alabamians like �em."According to this local article, the merchandise is selling surprisingly well. (via Dreama in #mefi)
posted by Ufez Jones to baseball at 09:55 AM - 17 comments
If they win a championship, they should dump gravy on their coach in lieu of Gatorade.
posted by Ufez Jones at 10:17 AM on June 03, 2003
If the Biscuits hire a squad of cute girls to shoot T-shirts into the crowd, would they be the Lil' Muffins? Seriously, though ... I resent the choice. I'm tired of hearing about ballplayers and all their dough.
posted by wfrazerjr at 10:55 AM on June 03, 2003
I have to admit, the owners of the team seem to have this down to a science. If you've ever been around Lansing, the Lugnuts logo is everywhere. I hope the Biscuits catch on. Beats the shit out of Raptors.
posted by wfrazerjr at 11:03 AM on June 03, 2003
Local djs are having a blast with all the possibilities. Biscuits can their manager. Biscuits creamed. Biscuits a little flat today. Biscuits player is a little flaky. Biscuits rise to the the occasion. There was many more, but you get the idea. (and I think its a fantastic mascot)
posted by justgary at 11:40 AM on June 03, 2003
Looks alot like a Mcdonald's character. I smell a lawsuit.....and some grits.
posted by garfield at 12:02 PM on June 03, 2003
Tom Dickson: What do you think, Sherrie? Sherrie Myers: Hmm... I like the butter-tongue, but somehow it's still not wacky enough. It needs ...something. Tom Disckson: Googly eyes? Sherrie Myers: Jackpot!
posted by Samsonov14 at 12:05 PM on June 03, 2003
I'm just waiting for Minor League Baseball to franchise a cross state rival....the Mobile Mueslix. Not as well rounded as the Biscuits, but they run better.
posted by Ufez Jones at 12:11 PM on June 03, 2003
Come on, I think it's cute! And nice to have a team name that isn't about violence or a violent animal. Sweet cuddly little Biscuits.
posted by billsaysthis at 12:55 PM on June 03, 2003
you ain't had my momma's biscuits, they tear you up inside!
posted by mick at 01:12 PM on June 03, 2003
Is their mascot that stupid little biscuit waving the pennant or this thing, which looks nowt like it? (In fact it looks like nothing I've ever seen). Birmingham fans are known as Bluenoses and one season our club's owners replaced our traditional Beau Brummie bulldog mascot with a big round blue blob which I think was supposed to be a Bluenose. It didn't last.
posted by squealy at 01:15 PM on June 03, 2003
Bill, how would you feel about the Montgomery Fightin' Biscuits?
posted by Samsonov14 at 01:21 PM on June 03, 2003
Anything with 'bacon' in the name is cool with me.
posted by garfield at 01:40 PM on June 03, 2003
The name and logo are no worse than that of the Mighty Ducks of Anaheim and it is only for AA Baseball team (for the non-baseball fans that is one level lower than AAA which is the 'farm team' level for MLB). Don't the minor leagues have some aspect about putting together something different and interesting? Like a smoke snorting bull out in left field? The fans of minor league teams care about going out to the field and having a good time. The name 'Biscuits' isn't worthy of inclusion in the team name hall-of-fame but, sure, it is worth a try. If it was for a major league team name then I think it would be worth a major league panning. I think it is funny. But since it is the kind of mascot that is easy to hate I am glad it isn't my team.
posted by gspm at 01:52 PM on June 03, 2003
Scottsdale Community College Artichokes, anyone? Everybody likes to bust on mascots.
posted by eckeric at 05:49 PM on June 03, 2003
Samsonov, that's just not cool. Put your fists down, I'm not going to mix it up with you.
posted by billsaysthis at 07:57 PM on June 03, 2003
Guess "Montgomery Biscuits" beats Montgomery Segregationists any day. Now, back to our regular programming ...
posted by worldcup2002 at 09:25 PM on June 03, 2003
<drool>Mmmmm, pancakes with butter</drool>