Spammers in the Works!: And don't miss Tonglimit or Candan either. I'm off to purchase a new bag to go with my shoes.
Goddamnit, yerfatma, if you take the opportunity to buy quality handbags at a reasonable price away from me, I will never forgive you. Do you hear me? Never.
posted by tahoemoj at 05:33 PM on April 04, 2011
Spammers have never gone to that much trouble here before. It is a bad omen. I knew it was a mistake to teach the rest of the world capitalism.
posted by rcade at 08:25 PM on April 04, 2011
The invisible hand giveth and the invisible hand dealeth the fiery banhammer.
posted by Ufez Jones at 09:24 PM on April 04, 2011
Remember that guy posting those crappy flash videos several years ago? I dissed him on this site and he found my phone number via AIM, and then posted a bunch of ads on Craigslist for free stuff using my phone number. They can't be as bad as him.
posted by insomnyuk at 08:26 PM on April 06, 2011
At least we got a nice casual encounter out of it.
posted by yerfatma at 09:43 AM on April 09, 2011
posted by yerfatma to
bugsbags.Fixed that for you.
posted by dfleming at 03:19 PM on April 02, 2011