Bears Knock Out Favre, Win NFC North: Knocking out quarterback Brett Favre in the second quarter, the Chicago Bears clinched the NFC North Division with a 40-14 rout of the Minnesota Vikings on Monday night outdoors at the University of Minnesota's field. Favre was slammed head-first into the turf and said he "went blank." He added, "I knew it would be my last home game. I don't regret the decision (to play)."
"That was one of the few times in my career I kind of went blank,"
Unless you count the times you kind of went blank when you retired and then didn't retire, or the times you sent pictures of your junk to female employees of the team you worked for. And do you include the countless times you blanked out when your team and your backup needed you most? And lets not forget the time you blanked out and refused to cooperate or support your coach knowing that the owner would back you, because after all, you are THE Brett Favre.
The only thing I wish is that it had been Green Bay players slamming Favre into the frozen ground head first and Aaron Rodgers that had piled up the 40 points on the Vikings.
I can see now why Childress got himself fired. Wilf completely undermined him by allowing Brett to continually challenge his authority, and by doing the superstar "I'll do whatever I please" act, essentially putting him on or above the same footing as the head coach. I wonder how Wilf is liking his dual head coaches now?
posted by irunfromclones at 05:09 PM on December 21, 2010
Joe Webb led my team to a semi-final victory in fantasy football last night. I think that is the most I have ever rooted for the Vikings.
posted by Ying Yang Mafia at 05:42 PM on December 21, 2010
I'm surprised they didn't call it a fumble, too.
Favre was pretty wrapped up well before he lost control of the ball, and the official blew the play dead, so no fumble.
i find it ironic that is was a rookie that ended Favre's consecutive start streak, and a rookie that has most likely ended his career. A clear 'changing of the guard". Of course, it is Brett Favre, he could come back next year.
irunfromclones, maybe you ought to be more worried about who's slamming Rodgers around. He doesn't appear to be nearly as durable as #4.
posted by dviking at 05:47 PM on December 21, 2010
"I knew it would be my last home game. I don't regret the decision (to play)."
SUUUURRREEEEE it's your last game, Brett.
posted by wfrazerjr at 06:05 PM on December 21, 2010
He said last HOME year he's only going to play the away games.
posted by dviking at 06:10 PM on December 21, 2010
irunfromclones, you're my hero for the day. My favourite part was the announcers commenting about how Favre hadn't practiced all week -- my reaction: "So it's like any other week for Favre then." He has no idea how to be a team player anymore and it's really disgusting to see how time and time again people overlook the entitlement factor he enjoys. You would love reading the comments on the Minneapolis Star Tribune articles about the game today.
dviking, if we had guys who were more willing to block as if their lives depended on it (like they used to block Favre in the day), I wouldn't be so worried. Maybe Rodgers needs to start slamming some helmets together in the locker room to get more protection out there. I'm very concerned for his longevity at this rate.
posted by evixir at 09:00 PM on December 21, 2010
I think that both the Packers and the Vikes need to look at their O-lines this off season.
posted by dviking at 09:20 PM on December 21, 2010
Look, I know his whole M.O. the last three years has been about skipping training camp. He's a prima donna, an attention hound and a media whore.
All that being said, I thought this was the right way for it to end. Beat to Hell on a frozen field in a meaningless game, he left everything he had on the field of play. Far from perfect, yeah, but I still gotta admire him and his career. I just don't think he could stand to walk away with anything left in the tank.
Last year proved he still had something. This year, without a doubt, it's sitting on E. I think, now, he can go home and be okay with it.
posted by gradioc at 09:40 PM on December 21, 2010
This is it, right? It's over now? Favre's career has always been a bit of a rollercoaster but since he left the Packers it's really been out of control. I'm trying to decide if this year's conclusion is worse than last year's. At least last year's meant something, even if it was one of the dumber interceptions I've ever seen.
posted by tron7 at 10:29 AM on December 22, 2010
All that being said, I thought this was the right way for it to end. Beat to Hell on a frozen field in a meaningless game, he left everything he had on the field of play.
Unfortunately, at that point he didn't have much to leave. That's the sad part.
posted by lil_brown_bat at 11:05 AM on December 22, 2010
I'm surprised they didn't call it a fumble, too.