Parachuting Into Michigan Stadium with the 101st Airborne Division: Sgt. Adam Sniffen from the 101st Airborne Division delivers the game ball via parachute before the Michigan vs. MSU game at Michigan Stadium on Oct. 9, 2010 (via MetaFilter).
Amazing feat. That looks so much harder from his perspective than it does on the ground.
posted by rcade at 09:02 AM on October 16, 2010
Amazing! The tech skills these guys have today is incredible, he was so cool adjusting this and that, releasing the flag and getting his feet to smoke, a walk in the park for him, though I would never think of jumping from and airplane myself, I would have a heart attack. However, I always think though of those men who selflessly jumped from airplanes into danger with a parachute that you could not control at the time to save a world from tyranny and were shot before they ever reached the ground. The 101 should be as proud today and then but I hope they remember their heritage and say a prayer to those before them when they jump for fun.
posted by gfinsf at 10:55 AM on October 16, 2010
These guys are incredibly skilled. Jumps like that, with all of the extra things that need to be done, take a lot of concentration and the timing of an all-star athlete. One thing I used to see from time to time was military jumpers practicing what is called High Altitude Low Opening (HALO). These guys would leave the aircraft at 20,000 feet or more and not open their 'chutes until they were below 1,000 feet. I would not be surprised if Sgt Sniffen had done this a time or two.
Now, if he had jumped into the stadium with the entire 101st, armor, artillery, and all, that would be even more impressive.
posted by Howard_T at 06:18 PM on October 16, 2010
Darnedest thing I ever saw.