No More Umpire Picks in NFL: The NFL is moving the umpire from the defensive backfield to the offensive backfield, removing a strategic pick from wide receivers on crossing routes and an irritating obstacle on other plays. The umps only will be in their old position on field goal attempts and the last two minutes of each half. The impetus for the change: Umpires were run into more than 100 times last season, three sustained concussions and two more needed surgery for their injuries.
Defensive linemen will get away with a lot more jersey-grabbing, I suspect.
posted by BitterOldPunk at 06:22 PM on August 21, 2010
Imagine if they had made this change during the Tarkenton era. There would have been some dead umps, trampled Pamplona-style by all those seething grown men trying to get a piece of scampering Francis.