Canseco vs. Hogan: "A lot of people didn't think this was real, but we're dead serious." That's how Arkansas Travelers general manager Pete Laven describes his team's latest and greatest promotional stunt, which, truth be told, does sound a bit implausible.
Initiates slow Officer and a Gentleman clap to MKUltra's comment expecting it will build to a roar.
posted by rcade at 10:43 AM on July 02, 2010
I'm standing on my desk at work right now saying "Oh Captain, my Captain"
posted by tahoemoj at 11:25 AM on July 02, 2010
Anyone else see the headline and expect it was going to be Hulk Hogan, not Gary Hogan? Although I guess that wouldn't change the Canseco vs. really old guy storyline.
posted by Demophon at 12:06 PM on July 02, 2010
Fifty thousand little Hulkamaniacs wouldn't let that steroid-ridden, Latino-named, thug get the better of the Hulkster!
*Stalks off into the distance, tearing off shirt, to the sound of "I am a real American."
posted by tahoemoj at 12:35 PM on July 02, 2010
tahoemoj - they are not talking about Hulk Hogan
As for this fight I am surprised any athletic commission would saction it. Canseco is getting paid to fight so therefore no matter how terrible he is he is a professional. Whereas Hogan is not getting paid so he is technically an amateur. I was under the impression that professional fighters cannot compete against non pro's . In any case who really cares it is another attempt by Canseco to get attention.
posted by Atheist at 01:54 PM on July 02, 2010
(Attempting to fix font issue)
I was as disappointed that it wasn't Hulk Hogan.
posted by grum@work at 03:00 PM on July 02, 2010
tahoemoj - they are not talking about Hulk Hogan
Yeah, thanks, I caught that when I read the link. But in an apparently failed attempt at comedy, I responded to a post directly above my own.
posted by tahoemoj at 04:40 PM on July 02, 2010
They need to do this with Cam Neely so we can hear an entire stadium chanting, "KICK HIS ASS, SEABASS!"
posted by wfrazerjr at 07:21 PM on July 02, 2010
I'm glad Canseco keeps refining his craft. I mean, you don't get to box 60-year-old guys overnight. You've got to work to get to that point. Makes his steroid abuse and subsequent throwing of his colleagues under the bus seem much more logical when viewed as part of a larger strategy.
Bravo, sir.