Aaron Rodgers on Tony Kornheiser: 'He's Terrible': Green Bay Packers quarterback Aaron Rodgers slammed Tony Kornheiser, Dennis Miller and Marcellus Wiley in an ESPN Radio interview Monday. Rodgers on Kornheiser: "He's terrible. ... I don't think he's funny. I don't think he's insightful. I don't think he knows anything about sports. ... He would do absolutely no research. We would sit in those production meetings and he would have absolutely nothing to offer the conversation." On Wiley: "You look at Marcellus Wiley up there talking about quarterback play. The guy was a defensive end for a few years in the league. He's not any good." On Miller: "One of the worst MNF guys ever. ... And he was 10 times better than Kornheiser."
I got to agree with him about Kornheiser. He makes me want to get stabby with a sharp pencil.
I guess I was one of a few who liked Dennis Miller on MNF. I thought he was a nice change of pace.
posted by steelergirl at 04:29 PM on June 09, 2010
I couldn't stand Miller or Kornheiser, because neither of them could work their witticisms into the normal flow of conversation. Kornheiser sounds like he's covering the game from an isolation booth like on the old game shows.
Rodgers ate his Wheaties the morning he gave that interview.
posted by rcade at 04:40 PM on June 09, 2010
I noticed that Rodgers listed Romo as one of the best QB's but had nothing to say about that certain Brent guy. Sure there's no hard feelings there.
He's spot on about Kornheiser and Miller, both are out of their element as announcers.
posted by dviking at 06:57 PM on June 09, 2010
Right or wrong, whatever the context, when a guy like Aaron Rodgers - who still has a lot to prove - starts running off at the mouth about fellow players, critics, commentators and the like, all I can think is SOUR GRAPES.
And dviking - you hit the nail on the head, in two ways. First, I thought about posting this very comment a few hours ago, but seeing your mention of Brett Favre now kinda drove the point home IMO. And second, the part about Kornheiser and Miller being out of their element isn't their fault: it's what led ABC to hire them in the first place.
posted by MW12 at 08:28 PM on June 09, 2010
Guess this old boy has found his voice: "Looking forward to getting my PAC-10 championship ring from the '04 season. Thanks @claymatthews52". Not that it seemed to bother his now-teammate.
posted by yerfatma at 09:16 AM on June 10, 2010
In fairness to Rodgers, the only thing he said about current players was positive. And the stuff he said about former players was about their broadcast work. If they can dish it out day after day, they should be able to take it.
Rodgers posted two followups on Twitter:
"Didn't realize people actually listened to homers show. No disrespect meant, just sharing a couple funny stories n opinions in jest"
"I'm not backpedaling from my first amendment rights. Nobody makes a big deal until the normally criticized becomes the critic, funny to me"
posted by rcade at 09:57 AM on June 10, 2010
Wow. Absolutely spot-on regarding Kornheiser. The guy's a smug, annoying tool.
posted by dyams at 04:34 PM on June 10, 2010
Rodgers was asked to name the top five quarterbacks in the NFL not including himself.
"Tom Brady is the best, by far," Rodgers said. "Not even close."