How does Barry Bonds hit a home run?:
A nice little flash presentation of one of the greatest hitters of our generation. Extra bonus: a frame by frame description of what you are seeing by one of the other greatest hitters of our generation, Tony Gwynn.
No, that was a regular season home run that tied him for 4th for career home runs. Tony Gwynn sounds excited when he's talking about the swing. I think he'll make a fantastic hitting coach. What's really neat about Bonds is how still his head is throughout the entire swing. His whole body moves, but his head is like the anchor point.
posted by grum@work at 08:57 AM on March 07, 2003
Nice stuff Grum! Tony Gwynn may sound goofy, but he certainly knows his stuff. He's like Rainman for batting.
posted by 86 at 09:00 AM on March 07, 2003
grum - Gwynn would indeed make a fine batting coach, but right now he's the head guy at his alma mater San Diego State. I thought the flash was good but not great. I would have definitely liked to see more frames. But that's nitpicking. It was damn cool.
posted by vito90 at 09:52 AM on March 07, 2003
That was great. Nice link.
posted by silent4lie at 01:31 PM on March 07, 2003
Nice post. I hope Tony Gwynn makes a smooth player-coach transition, his excitement about the game is great for baseball. He's one of the classier players to have played the game.
posted by therev at 05:54 PM on March 07, 2003
That's a great presentation. The commentary in the frame by frame is terrific to. Love the "holy grail" reference. Was this the hr that went something like 485 in the WS? (ps: bonus points for being dial-up friendly)