"It was horrifying": for Denise Richards to sing Take Me Out To The Ballgame in front of 40,000 fans at Wrigley Field. Turns out, it was just as horrifying for the fans. But they should be used to it by now. Danica. Ozzy. Jeff.
"It was horrifying" were her words, mrk124, I forgot to post this link in the FPP. It sure wasn't good.
posted by BoKnows at 11:06 PM on May 04, 2009
I was expecting worse. She's no Susan Boyle, but that's as solid an outing as you'll get from someone who can't sing.
posted by rcade at 11:57 PM on May 04, 2009
Turns out, it was just as horrifying for the fans
I wasn't talking about her words.
posted by mrk124 at 02:04 AM on May 05, 2009
I realize that. I know what I said. I just wanted to reference where those words originated. I commend Richards for doing this while promoting a great cause, but in my eyes, that was horrible. Maybe not Ozzy horrible, but definitely not good.
posted by BoKnows at 02:12 AM on May 05, 2009
She's no Susan Boyle
Particularly with the volume off.
You were just trying to provoke someone, weren't you?
posted by owlhouse at 02:57 AM on May 05, 2009
Do you watch/listen to Cubs games on a regular basis? She's well within a standard deviation of performance quality. I've heard much worse and it's not that often that you hear better.
posted by ursus_comiter at 03:07 AM on May 05, 2009
Cubs seem to make the headlines for the 7th inning singalongs as much as their winning.
posted by Newbie Walker at 07:54 AM on May 05, 2009
How can any discussion of bad 7th inning stretch performances at Wrigley not include Ditka?
posted by TheQatarian at 08:23 AM on May 05, 2009
Ditka was the gold standard of bad on that song. I think you have to sing poorly and say the words wildly out of cadence.
You were just trying to provoke someone, weren't you?
I plead innocent. I suspended my hot for Denise Richards when she put her kids in that reality show over the objections of their dad Charlie Sheen.
posted by rcade at 08:46 AM on May 05, 2009
the little pinched note at the end of Ditkas (gAAAAme) was great. Sounded a little like Howard Dean saying HEEEEEEEEEEEYAAAAAAAAAAAAW!!
and kudos to the organ player for eventually catching up with him.
posted by setlasmon at 08:50 AM on May 05, 2009
Wait... Denise Richards was out and about and people were "listening" to her.
My God man who cares what Denise Richards "sounds" like?!?! LOL
Thats like critiquing her acting in Starship Troopers :)
posted by firecop at 09:55 AM on May 05, 2009
Wait... Denise Richards was out and about and people were "listening" to her.
My God man who cares what Denise Richards "sounds" like?!?! LOL
Thats like critiquing her acting in Starship Troopers :)
Wait a sec!! You mean, there was actual dialog to that flick? I just thought it was for eye candy like when she was in Wild Things. Now that was some method acting there.
posted by BornIcon at 10:22 AM on May 05, 2009
I really don't think it matters too much. To simply be considered to sing Take Me Out To The Ballgame, I believe one has to be tone deaf. If you have a voice, sorry, you are left aside. Nevertheless, she was atrocious, even by Wrigley Field standards. Abominable. I'm pretty sure I would feel better now if you had used a Q-Tip tipped with sandpaper on my eardrums, rather than having to hear that horrible rendition of such a sacred song. Mr. Caray was never even remotely close to that bad in singing the song, nor has anyone else (since Mr. Caray's death) been that bad. And, please correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't she, afterwards, ask what key the song was in?
posted by CountSpatula at 10:54 PM on May 05, 2009
Thanks for the link, BoKnows. If I closed my eyes, I would have thought Roseanne Barr was singing it. With my eyes open - I wouldn't make that mistake.
posted by pullmyfinger at 02:58 PM on May 06, 2009
She was singing? All I heard was the rustle of silk on skin....
posted by irunfromclones at 05:04 PM on May 07, 2009
Kid Rock did Take Me Out to the Ballgame during Opening Day for the Tigers. He wasn't bad, but it would have been better if he had remembered all of the words.
posted by Ying Yang Mafia at 09:51 PM on May 07, 2009
C'mon now. It wasn't that bad. Definitely not horrifying.