Dallas Cowboys' Practice Bubble Collapses: The Dallas Cowboys' afternoon practice ended in horrifying fashion when the Cowboys' indoor facility collapsed during a violent thunderstorm, injuring seven people, including one critically. The roof is a large air-supported canopy with aluminum frames covering a 100-yard football field. Video of the collapse.
Interesting that reporter on video says COACH Jerry Jones was at Kentucky Derby. Slips of the tongue say so much.
posted by graymatters at 07:08 PM on May 02, 2009
God knows I've never been a huge fan of the Cowboys, but here's hoping that the injured folks recover quickly and completely. What a dreadful thing. I sincerely hope that everyone involved is back in full health as soon as possible.
posted by Joey Michaels at 08:55 PM on May 02, 2009
Holy Shit! That's some scary video.
That was a hairy! I sure hope it turns out OK for those who were injured. that could have been a lot worse.
posted by THX-1138 at 06:24 PM on May 03, 2009
One of the Cowboys scouts, Rich Behm, has been paralyzed after breaking his back in the collapse.
posted by rcade at 08:43 PM on May 03, 2009
The team announced Rich Behm was in stable condition at Parkland Hospital on Sunday after surgery to stabilize a fracture to the thoracic spine. The prognosis is that the paralysis is likely permanent.
posted by irunfromclones at 03:40 AM on May 04, 2009
My God this was devastating! I heard about this over the weekend but actually saw the footage this morning on SportsCenter. Cowboys scout, Rich Behm being paralyzed is one of the saddest things I heard come out of this tragic incident. I'm glad to hear that no one died although what happened to Mr. Behm is nothing to sneeze at. My prayers go out to him and his family.
posted by BornIcon at 12:44 PM on May 04, 2009
Some are calling the collapse the work of a "microburst", and others are asking more questions. But it's the answers that are becoming hard to find. OSHA's investigation is underway.
posted by BoKnows at 10:34 PM on May 04, 2009
A CNN viewer got a picture of the storm that hit the bubble. Looks like an upside-down tornado, and it does resemble a picture of a microburst storm.
posted by rcade at 11:59 PM on May 04, 2009
Poor guy that got paralyzed at only 33. Maybe Jerry Jones should have spent the money he spent at the Kentucky Derby towards a safer practive bubble.
posted by billsrule09 at 11:47 AM on May 08, 2009
The local coverage of this was dramatic. Cameras were rolling and they caught the collapse. The walls started vibrating, and then the roof came down very quickly.
Ironically, they had just interviewed Jerry Jones at the Kentucky Derby just minutes before this happened.
I live all of 5 miles from this facility, it was windy, and the rain was coming down pretty hard, not too surprised a air supported structure was damanged.