The 4th Annual chicobangs Memorial SpoFi CFL Pick ’Em: Yes, TBH, someone did say "football". Three-down football north of the border, chock full of maple syrup, rouges, and end zones the size of your grampa's farm. Sprint, don't jog, into this thread and make your picks inside.
posted by DrJohnEvans to fantasy at 02:31 PM - 37 comments
As per last years tradition, I'll go first. Alouettes by 7 Stapededededers by 10 Argonauts by 3 Roughriders by 21
posted by apoch at 03:50 PM on June 20, 2008
Following tradition, I'll include my picks amidst some meaningless Canadiana: Mark Harris once played CFL in the 1970s. Montreal by 7. In Australia he was a huge, fast and muscular Rugby League winger, who won premierships with Eastern Suburbs. I remember seeing him crash through defences and score lots of tries. BC by 12. I don't know what you feed your guys on over there on the praires. Winnipeg by 9. But he ended up as a kicker for the Alouettes. Edmonton by 11.
posted by owlhouse at 05:04 PM on June 20, 2008
Montreal by 11 Calgary by 15 Toronto by 21 Saskatchewan by 5
posted by tommybiden at 05:21 PM on June 20, 2008
I <3 the CFL Pick Em.
posted by Ying Yang Mafia at 05:23 PM on June 20, 2008
What in the hell is the CFL? Oh well, I'll play anyway. Montreal by 21 Calgary by 7 Winnipeg by 11 Edmonton by 3 (I find it easier to express my ignorance before the games actually take place. The excuses just seem more sincere.)
posted by BoKnows at 07:03 PM on June 20, 2008
The first week is always the hardest because I don't have DJE's team summaries to go off of. Montreal by 16 BC by 8 Winnipeg by 12 Saskatchewan by 18
posted by Ying Yang Mafia at 08:13 AM on June 21, 2008
I'm the HATER 187 of the CFL, so here goes: Buffalo Toronto by 9 over Winnipeg Buffalo Buffalo Calgary by 3 over British Columbia Buffalo Buffalo Saskatchewan by 6 over Edmonton Buffalo Buffalo Hamilton by 3 over Montreal Buffalo By the way, this is my first annual CFL pick 'em challenge. I'm so totally gonna own this shit.
posted by NoMich at 10:42 AM on June 21, 2008
Hamilton Tiger-Cats by 5 B.C. Lions by 3 Toronto Argonauts by 11 Saskatchewan Roughriders by 7 Thanks, Dr. John for doing this (and allowing us south of the border to participate).
posted by Monica Poland at 02:55 PM on June 21, 2008
Hamilton Tiger-Cats – by 6 B.C. Lions by 26 Toronto Argonauts by 7 Edmonton Eskimos by 4
posted by Folkways at 05:19 PM on June 21, 2008
In Canada, games are on the Ceeb, the Tee, and l’Arr. *Not on the Ceeb this year.
posted by tommybiden at 09:51 PM on June 21, 2008
Thanks NoMich, just for that I am in with the sole purpose of whippin' yo ass. I know nothing about American Football and even less about its beer swillin', Rush lovin' cousin. Montreal by 7 Calgary by 11 Toronto by 6 Edmonton by 3
posted by HATER 187 at 12:20 AM on June 22, 2008
You're absolutely right, tommy. I forgot that this was the first year of TSN's new contract. Also, I think this is the first year in some time that Toronto hasn't opened its season against B.C., so my example match-up in the instructions is no longer accurate. Obviously I need to hire a proofreader. On the plus side, this is an awesome turnout! It looks like we'll have at least ten players to start the season, which is a first. Thanks, guys!
posted by DrJohnEvans at 09:12 AM on June 22, 2008
Thanks for running this, Doc. There's a US broadcast? What channel? Will I be able to watch games on TVAnts?
posted by NoMich at 09:39 AM on June 22, 2008
I'm not sure what the deal is with the US broadcast this year. As far as I understand it, the America One network has the US rights to the CFL broadcasts, and in the past has distributed them to NESN, Comcast, and some Fox networks. According to the '08 CFL Wikipedia article, the America One contract was renewed, but no distribution details have been published yet. Very strange. In the meantime, the archive of video highlights will have to suffice: 95th Grey Cup highlights West Semi-final highlights (that super windy game in SSK, some great plays in this one) Big hits of 2007 and lots more where those came from. Man, I could kill an entire day watching those.
posted by DrJohnEvans at 10:10 AM on June 22, 2008
Also, NoMich, I'm not a TVAnts user, but does this link get you TSN?
posted by DrJohnEvans at 10:18 AM on June 22, 2008
We get CBC so we used to be able to get Canadian coverage of the CFL. Not any more apparently.
posted by Ying Yang Mafia at 10:24 AM on June 22, 2008
I guess that I'm kind of obligated to participate in this too. Hamilton by 11 Well the night weighs heavy on his guilty mind Calgary by 3 This far from the border line Winnepeg by 21 And when the hitman comes Saskatchewan by 15 He knows damn well he has been cheated And thanks again, DJE, you are a gentleman and a scholar.
posted by MrFrisby at 09:32 PM on June 23, 2008
My Dad always adds, "and your choice of a Morman or Catholic saint." to that. So which is going to be Dr. J?
posted by apoch at 08:24 AM on June 24, 2008
Thanks Dr. John Evans for giving us a chance to come together in the spirit of good football comraderie and utterly humiliate ourselves. Due to my complete lack of knowledge at this point of the season, I will be making my predictions based solely on my feelings about their uniforms. Montreal has a certain Patriots vibe and the Patriots use dark magic.--Alouettes by 7. Due to laziness I didn't find a Stampeders uniform. Lions by 10 Blue Bombers remind me of the Rams. Argos by 3. Saskatchewan and Edmonton both wear green. Kermit the Frog said that it 'aint easy bein' green, so that's a push. Edmonton is closer to me. Eskimos by 9.
posted by THX-1138 at 12:11 PM on June 24, 2008
Thanks for the invite, Dr. J! My picks are: Montreal by 10 B.C. by 4 Winnipeg by 7 Edmonton by 15 I have one question: What do you mean when you say "chicobangs memorial"?! Please explain!
posted by jlogan80 at 01:19 PM on June 24, 2008
DrJohn ... You Rock!!! Thanks again for makin' this happen! Since the CFL doesn't have an official line that I know of anywhere else than SportSelect, it does seem to keep this game at the second-rate status next to the NFL ... but if anyone knows where I can get other lines, I'd love to know 'em. I mean Pick 'Em is great, but it's always more fun to put some real dough on the line too ;) Anyway, here are my picks for this week: The Tabbies need to turn it around from a dismal season last year ... and against an injury-ridden Als, they just might be able to do it at home. TiCats by 5. According to the TSN Power Rankings (well, a couple of the panelists anyway) BC and the Stamps are 1-2 to start the year. Can't say I disagree with 'em ... as much as it hurts an Eskimo fan to say it ... the coaching staff in Calgary could really turn this team into a contender. Buono's always had his teams in the hunt, so this should be the game of the week. In the highest scoring game of the week, Calgary takes the home opener by 3. Like the BC-Calgary game, this too could be a battle of contenders for the Cup ... but I think both of these squads are gonna take a while to hit their stride. Basically, this is a coin-flip for me, so I'm gonna have to go with the defending eastern champs ... Bombers by 6. This is my personal game of the week ... and oh am I gonna love it even more when the EE steal one in Regina. Power Ranking at 7 be damned! It's time for the EE to be back in the hunt! Too many changes in Riderville to come out firing. Edmonton by 12. Here's to kickin' off a GREAT season of CFL football folks! Dig it!
posted by Spitztengle at 01:28 AM on June 25, 2008
Since the CFL doesn't have an official line that I know of anywhere else than SportSelect, it does seem to keep this game at the second-rate status next to the NFL ... but if anyone knows where I can get other lines, I'd love to know 'em. I mean Pick 'Em is great, but it's always more fun to put some real dough on the line too ; Spitztengle, you can find Week One lines at and all sorts of Futures wager options at Good luck and don't risk more than you can afford to lose!
posted by tommybiden at 08:36 AM on June 25, 2008
Jeez, I don't visit the locker room for a week, and you're naming shit after me like I'm dead or something. (Maybe I'm being presumptuous, and it's some other chicobangs. If so, well, fair enough.) Ticats by 8. BC by 14. Argos by 11. Roughies by 4.
posted by chicobangs at 10:24 AM on June 25, 2008
The "chicobangs memorial" label was affixed last year, for the Third Annual, I think maybe because chico was around for the first and not the second? I don't really remember. There were reasons, I'm sure. Oh right, there are games this week. Hamilton by 7 - Montreal's too shaken up to start off on the right foot. B.C. by 4 - B.C. always wins the season opener. Toronto by 2 - Joseph comes back to haunt Winnie. Saskatchewan by 6 - Coin toss.
posted by DrJohnEvans at 11:43 PM on June 25, 2008
It may have been around the time chico quit SpoFi for a while.
posted by Ying Yang Mafia at 07:04 AM on June 26, 2008
Saga update: now they've got a US/Int'l broadcast schedule up, but it doesn't have any of the regional networks, just the big ones (and ESPN360). So check your local listings and tune your TiVo.
posted by DrJohnEvans at 09:08 AM on June 26, 2008
Montreal by 4 B.C. By 5 Toronto by 2 Saskatchewan by 7
posted by Anaconda at 09:31 AM on June 26, 2008
Hey all... First time with the CFL Pick 'Em, but let's give it a shot. Week 1: Hamilton by 7 B.C. by 11 Toronto by 6 Saskatchewan by 13
posted by Reever at 10:39 AM on June 26, 2008
Hey... These picks are for my friend Jeff. He hasn't created a log-in yet, but will before Week #2 begins. I just wanted to make sure we get them in before the games start tonight. Montreal by 3 Calgary by 7 Toronto by 2 Saskatchewan by 6 He'll get a profile by Week #2, so no worries. Thanks!
posted by Reever at 04:17 PM on June 26, 2008
Wow eighteen participants at the time of this post. Is this the biggest turnout ever Dr. J?
posted by Ying Yang Mafia at 04:48 PM on June 26, 2008
Dammit! Damn this CFL and their Thursday games! I swear, Doc, I have no knowledge of what's going on right now! I swear! On a stack of George Carlin albums! Hammy by 5; B.C. by 10; Winny by 8; Sassy by 12.
posted by The_Black_Hand at 07:53 PM on June 26, 2008
hmm ... should've never under-estimated Anthony Calvillo (game 1 isn't the Grey Cup), nor been too optimistic about the Tabbies. But I'm glad I listened to the TSN crew ... Calgary looks pretty darn impressive to start the season.
posted by Spitztengle at 09:38 AM on June 27, 2008
Week One Game Results: Montreal 33 - Hamilton 10 Calgary 28 - BC 18 Toronto 23 - Winnipeg 16 Saskatchewan 34 - Edmonton 13 All I gotta say is, "OUCH!"
posted by Spitztengle at 09:51 PM on June 28, 2008
Week Two Picks TORONTO by 10 over Hamilton Calgary by 7 over EDMONTON Winnipeg by 1 over MONTREAL B.C. by 1 over Saskatchewan
posted by Anaconda at 01:29 PM on July 01, 2008
Week #2 Picks Toronto by 7 Calgary by 13 Montreal by 8 Saskatchewan by 9
posted by Reever at 08:26 AM on July 02, 2008
Week two picks should probably go in the week two thread, which is two threads up.
posted by apoch at 11:27 AM on July 02, 2008
THE PICK 'EM - What we do You know those hot summer days, when the humidex hits forty-five, and you say to yourself, "Wow, I'm sure glad that I'm not wearing twenty pounds of protective gear and running wind sprints today"? Well, there are eight teams of fifty guys across Canada who are doing just that. The least we can do is pick out which ones are winners and which ones are losers every week. THE SEASON - When we do it The season kicks off on Thursday, June 26, and runs for nineteen weeks. There are generally four games per week, scheduled Thursdays, Fridays, Saturdays, sometimes Sundays. In Canada, games are on the Ceeb, the Tee, and l’Arr. There's a U.S. broadcast schedule which is usually pretty decent, but it doesn't seem to be up yet. Also, pay-per-view webcasts. THE RULES - How we do it Here's how she works. You pick who you think will win, and by how much. You then get points based on the result:
- picked the winner? You get 1 point.
- picked the winner, and a spread within the Margin of Error? You get 2 points.
- picked the winner, and you nailed the spread right on? You get 3 points.
- didn't pick the winner, but nailed the spread right on? You get 1 point.
What's the Margin of Error? It's a window around the spread that's defined asspread - round(0.3 * spread) <= Margin of Error <= spread + round(0.3 * spread)
So you can get rewarded for being close to the spread even if you're not spot-on. The bigger the spread, the bigger the margin of error, so you don't have to be as accurate when predicting a blowout as you would when predicting a close game. Here are some examples: