Is there a length limit on comments?: I don't know if this is a bug in spofi 2.0, or just my uncontrollable verbosity ... but I've had a bunch of "sorry, we're having trouble adding your comment" messages this morning.
i'm having the same problem. i tried posting on the story about the korean born skiier. i also had problems posting on the r. williams thread. just a one sentence statements. nothing objectionable.
posted by erkno11 at 08:54 AM on February 21, 2006
I had the same problem in the Korean skier too. I thought I had misspelled something so admin was disallowing my comment.
posted by skydivemom at 08:55 AM on February 21, 2006
nothing objectionable. As opposed to Amateur's usual inflammatory stuff. ;-) FWIW, I'm having the same problem, answering in the same thread as Amateur, with this comment: ================== Too few of those posting here realize just what a 'team' is, hence, the lack of want for the pro exclusion. We do realize that the Olympic schedule doesn't leave enough time for real teams to form. The argument that the Latvians form more of a team than the Americans is still ludicrous. Those Latvians who are not playing in the NHL are spread out in numerous European pro leagues, and they don't have that mythical "six months on icy ponds" to become a team any more than the Americans or Canadians or anyone else. The exclusion of pros at the Olympics is a thing of the past, no matter how much you dislike it. It's just not doable anymore. As it has been pointed out earlier in this very thread, excluding pros would mean asking either college or recreational players to take a break from their life (and income) to concentrate on hockey. For one thing, it would favor the US where there is a very strong college sport system. Is it in any way realistic and fair? Would it make for better hockey? You can bet not. What it would make for is good, sappy underdog stories that the American broadcasters love so much more than real sports. I know I want none of it. If the US wins the gold medal in Torino, it will be a Miracle on Ice in its own right, and we will stop hearing all this nonsense. Valid options for a world-class hockey tournament with real teams have been discussed right here in this thread, in case you didn't notice: an U-20 tournament at the Olympics (which would duplicate the World Juniors) or a revival of the Canada/World Cup, played before the regular season to allow for proper team building. Finally, I'd like to point out that the linked article was actually first published on February 16, one day after the US-Latvia tie. So in essence the author is basing his wild assumptions ("Team USA isn't a national team. It isn't even a team.") on a single game's result. Great journalism. ==================
posted by qbert72 at 08:57 AM on February 21, 2006
qbert and I could both use a good editor, though! Wish list for spofi 3.0: intelligent agent to make our writing more concise.
posted by Amateur at 09:03 AM on February 21, 2006
Concise, witty rebuttals of absurd claims are really hard to pull off. Which is why I love yerfatma's style. /Ying Yang Mafia
posted by qbert72 at 09:06 AM on February 21, 2006
I'm getting the same and the comments are far more brief and enlightening than those shown above, so it's not just poor writers who are suffering. On edit: Shitfuck, you weren't there when I got here. I blame the new code.
posted by yerfatma at 09:06 AM on February 21, 2006
"Shitfuck" used here to demonstrate the writer's iron-clad grasp of English diction and style.
posted by yerfatma at 09:07 AM on February 21, 2006
Isn't 'shitfuck' supposed to be hyphenated?
posted by JJ at 09:16 AM on February 21, 2006
And here I was thinking no one gave a shit(fuck) about that story.
posted by chicobangs at 09:41 AM on February 21, 2006
'shitfuck' is now my new favorite swearword-or whatever it is, it just surpassed slapdick
posted by erkno11 at 10:27 AM on February 21, 2006
Isn't 'shitfuck' supposed to be hyphenated? Exactly: I removed the hyphen to indicate the speed at which I was running the words together in an attempt to indicate furstration. Learn to read! (shamelessly stolen from an episode of Mr. Show, and it oly makes sense if you've seen it)
posted by yerfatma at 10:31 AM on February 21, 2006
Boo! I want to partake in the discussion! ======================= Too few of those posting here realize just what a 'team' is, hence, the lack of want for the pro exclusion. Dude, you're outnumbered, and all the minor-league experience in the world won't change that. As I said in my previous comment, you're not going to be able to put together a cohesive team with a long-term training committment from any of the top tiers of hockey. The only levels at which you'd be able to do so are so low that the talent difference between them and the rest of the Olympic teams would negate any strengths from chemistry. =======================
posted by DrJohnEvans at 11:30 AM on February 21, 2006
As I remember it, "Shitfuck" was orginally recorded as the Seattle Pilots manager's favorite word in "Ball Four" - Jim Bowden's seminal work. I too am a big fan of Shitfuck. And its' twin brother Fuckshit.
posted by WeedyMcSmokey at 12:09 PM on February 21, 2006
And I can't post either. I'm starting to hyperventilate.
posted by WeedyMcSmokey at 12:14 PM on February 21, 2006
Man I can't post and that "skating is not a sport" thread sitting right there. It's burning a(nother) hole in my brain.
posted by tron7 at 12:27 PM on February 21, 2006
"Slapdick" sounds a bit too Eddie Izzard to use as a general expletive, but I'll hold on to it just in case. Me too, Weedy. :(
posted by chicobangs at 12:27 PM on February 21, 2006
Man I can't post and that "skating is not a sport" thread sitting right there. It's burning a(nother) hole in my brain. Dan Wetzel is a slapdick.
posted by qbert72 at 12:36 PM on February 21, 2006
I can't post either. But I had nothing enlightening to add anyway, so maybe it's for the best.
posted by jerseygirl at 12:50 PM on February 21, 2006
Dan Wetzel is a slapdick. Let's send that peccary 1,000 hate mails.
posted by njsk8r20 at 12:50 PM on February 21, 2006
"Slapdick" sounds a bit too Eddie Izzard to use as a general expletive But "slut-bin-walla" is just a-ok, though?
posted by yerfatma at 01:07 PM on February 21, 2006
No post makes the baby Jesus cry.
posted by wfrazerjr at 01:17 PM on February 21, 2006
So now would be a good time to submit that column I've been working on: How Barry Bonds, Pete Rose, Lance Armstrong, Roger Clemens, and Terrell Owens Cost The Seattle Seahawks the Super Bowl.
posted by Amateur at 01:19 PM on February 21, 2006
...and Janet Gretzky her new dining room ensemble.
posted by DrJohnEvans at 01:35 PM on February 21, 2006
Slapdash is Izzard. You're okay with dick.
posted by jerseygirl at 01:35 PM on February 21, 2006
"Sorry, we had some trouble adding your comment." Ya don't say. I was gonna add a text excerpt in comments to supplement my FPP on the free live World Cup telecasts, but noooooo... "trouble." I've got your trouble right here.
posted by worldcup2002 at 01:44 PM on February 21, 2006
Bah! It IS a sport!! Balderdash!! Flim flam! Hogwash!! Urgh* (hic) - Bondsian!?! Lance-ified!?! Rose-a-Clemens-tastic!?! (System overload..... Shutdown... Shutdown....) For the record, today has been my most productive day at work. Stupid non-funtioning Sportsfilter is turning me back into a professional again. No sir, I don't like it.
posted by WeedyMcSmokey at 01:52 PM on February 21, 2006
Yeah, not goofing off posting on Ricky Williams' prediliction for illegal leafy substances is turning me into a seriously grouchy slapdick. Or a fuckstick, even.
posted by The_Black_Hand at 02:22 PM on February 21, 2006
The new code isn't online yet. This is an old code issue. I'm working on it.
posted by rcade at 03:44 PM on February 21, 2006
testing, testing, 1,2, uh....3
posted by erkno11 at 04:02 PM on February 21, 2006
i just got denied another post about the polar bear fighting mother. however, when I pressed the return key, it worked
posted by erkno11 at 09:32 PM on February 21, 2006
the return key worked again on the Samuel L. jackson thread
posted by erkno11 at 11:11 PM on February 21, 2006
Shitfuck is the new black.
posted by billsaysthis at 11:02 PM on February 23, 2006
The comment was this long ... ======================= mrhockey: Too few of those posting here realize just what a 'team' is, hence, the lack of want for the pro exclusion. So you're saying that everybody would agree with you if only they weren't so ignorant? Interesting way to win an argument. I'm not really even sure what you (and the column you linked to) are arguing for. Is it just the exclusion of NHL players? I don't think that will really solve the "problem." The US would still try to assemble an "all-star" team of the best non-NHL players they could find (in the minor leagues and in Europe). How would they be any more a "team" than the current collection? Or are you arguing in favour of a "true" national team, like the US and Canadian women's teams, that play and practice together for months before the Olympics? If everybody plays by the same rules, then I am sure that would make a very exciting Olympic hockey tournament. But if NHL players are allowed, and the US chooses not to use them, then the question becomes: do you really think that the advantages of playing and practicing together would give that collection of players a chance at being competitive? Would it be able to overcome the differences in talent? Or are you arguing that it shouldn't matter, and that the "principle" of amateurism should be more important than winning, anyway? ======================= ... and the thread was here.