The long awaited Yahoo Roto Baseball League: First, please declare who your team is in this thread after you register. If a team goes "unclaimed" it will be removed a week before the draft to allow for someone else to take the spot. This is to ensure that actual SpoFites, and not lurkers or deadbeats, are taking up room. Plus it's a good "Get to know who is who" deal too. That seem fair?
posted by jerseygirl to fantasy at 07:47 PM - 36 comments
thanks, jg. i think we need the league id# as well to sign up. the league name doesn't work.
posted by goddam at 08:03 PM on February 15, 2006
Sorry about that. Thought it was in there with the cut and paste. Your new League ID# is 101708.
posted by jerseygirl at 08:04 PM on February 15, 2006
thanks. i'll once again be the Flatlanders.
posted by goddam at 08:12 PM on February 15, 2006
Yeah, it works now. I'm the Angrier Chickens.
posted by chris2sy at 08:46 PM on February 15, 2006
I'm in as Suicide Squeeze. Thanks!
posted by dusted at 09:20 PM on February 15, 2006
I'm in as Ahwatukee name and 3rd times a charm.
posted by pivo at 09:40 PM on February 15, 2006
Assclowns here. We'll determine the "no-talent" part after the draft.
posted by thatweirdguy2 at 09:55 PM on February 15, 2006
Crap City Crap Sox back for another year of mid table mediocrity.
posted by gspm at 09:59 PM on February 15, 2006
Instant Lunchroom in the house. Specifically, up the stairs and to the left. Look for the inflatable door.
posted by DrJohnEvans at 10:11 PM on February 15, 2006
as always my team name is The Show.
posted by jbou at 01:46 AM on February 16, 2006
The Uncovered Balls are ready to toe the to speak.
posted by The_Black_Hand at 05:14 AM on February 16, 2006
By the way, thanks jerseygirl.
posted by The_Black_Hand at 05:20 AM on February 16, 2006
Deadballers III are in and ready to start spitting seeds.
posted by mbd1 at 07:39 AM on February 16, 2006
The Crackhouse Gang returns, and this year I'm drafting a doctor!
posted by trox at 08:14 AM on February 16, 2006
Good names this year guys, good stuff. Looking forward to this! I've retired the Springfield Isotopes after their non-championship season last year and replaced them with the Honey Nut Ichiros. Jerge Girlbrenner will not settle for anything less than excellence.
posted by jerseygirl at 08:30 AM on February 16, 2006
The Barrie Platypuses are ready for another humiliating season of defeat and anguish. I learned to pump up my fans and troops at the Rob Babcock School of Promotions.
posted by wfrazerjr at 11:04 AM on February 16, 2006
Fraze, I'll trade you Vince Carter for all your draft picks.
posted by DrJohnEvans at 11:29 AM on February 16, 2006
Believe it or not, I actually sold an autographed Vince Carter Raptors jersey this weekend. The real wonder is why the hell I had one in the first place.
posted by wfrazerjr at 02:19 PM on February 16, 2006
It was a tough market to get out of. I managed to cash out just before his last injury and unload my last ten thousand just before the bottom dropped out. The real mistake was going bullish on the Alonzo Mourning Raptors jersey futures market.
posted by DrJohnEvans at 02:59 PM on February 16, 2006
My team is the Waffle Stompers (whch I believe is in the dictionary). Is it okay if I can't live draft (meaning I'd autodraft)?
posted by Ying Yang Mafia at 03:58 PM on February 16, 2006
The Flivvers are in and the engine is sputtering. Looking forward to a good season at the Henry Ford Memorial Municipal Ballfield, Glider Factory, and Methane Dump.
posted by elovrich at 04:18 PM on February 16, 2006
that's fine, yym.
posted by jerseygirl at 06:02 PM on February 16, 2006
posted by catfish at 09:44 AM on February 17, 2006
For being so long awaited and with all the whining about getting in, it's taking longer than I expected to fill up the 18 slots.
posted by dusted at 03:38 PM on February 17, 2006
Now we can work on the head-to-head league.
posted by Ying Yang Mafia at 03:46 PM on February 17, 2006
Like I have been told on numerous occasions-Its still very early.
posted by daddisamm at 12:05 AM on February 18, 2006
Well I'm off to Florida so I'll see everyone in a week.
posted by Ying Yang Mafia at 07:53 AM on February 18, 2006
see, daddisamm gets it.
posted by jerseygirl at 09:39 AM on February 18, 2006
gets what? ! never get anyting! ;-(
posted by daddisamm at 09:51 AM on February 18, 2006
By the way, I am in-"the Ugly Stepsisters"
posted by daddisamm at 10:00 AM on February 18, 2006
I sense a bit of a complex.
posted by dusted at 11:20 AM on February 18, 2006
In as Yukon. Thanks jg. fwiw, Honey Hut Ichiros is a big upgrade.
posted by YukonGold at 07:42 AM on February 20, 2006
I see that the dreaded farnchise "Me So Hornsby" has found no room to display their unequivocal dominating talents in this league... that's fancy for thar aint no room... I need another Yahoo league. If anyone has a slot let me know.
posted by redbirdinals at 11:27 AM on February 20, 2006
the HTH leagues has openings
posted by daddisamm at 08:39 AM on February 21, 2006
I'd like in...still got room?
posted by stofer71 at 11:42 AM on February 25, 2006
League Name: SpoFi Password: yourmom Draft Type: Live Draft Draft Time: Sat Mar 11 12:00pm EST [ Add to My Calendar ] Max Teams: 18 Scoring Type: Rotisserie Player Universe: All baseball Max Moves: No maximum Max Trades: No maximum Trade Reject Time: 2 Trade End Date: August 20, 2006 Waiver Time: 2 days Can't Cut List Provider: None Trade Review: League Votes Max Games Played: 162 Max Innings Pitched: 1250 Start Scoring on: Sunday, Apr 2 Weekly Deadline: Daily - Tomorrow Roster Positions: C, 1B, 2B, 3B, SS, OF, OF, OF, Util, SP, SP, RP, RP, P, P, P, BN, BN, BN, BN, BN, DL Stat Categories: R, HR, RBI, SB, AVG, W, SV, K, ERA, WHIP