Member since: | September 13, 2005 |
Last visit: | September 19, 2005 |
dukealicious30 has posted 0 links and 13 comments to SportsFilter and 0 links and 0 comments to the Locker Room.
I also have been playing the Yahoo league for years and it works great for me. I did try the FOX sports league this year and it is terrible. I advise to stay away from that league.
posted by dukealicious30 at 03:41 PM on September 14, 2005
Pete Rose is nowhere near these guys in terms of 'best'. In terms of work ethic, making the most of one's talent, and best case of ego overpowering limited intelligence, he's near the top of every list. You obviously got a bad batch of the ganja. How can the MLB League leading all time hit leader not be mentioned in the top 10 of GOAT'S? Wasn't Tony Gywnn mentioned? So someone please explain that one to me?
posted by dukealicious30 at 03:37 PM on September 14, 2005
He was not a monster homerun hitter though 40/40 but not a MONSTER. Okay Elway Fan then who or what do you consider a monster homerun hitter? Oh wait let me gues Mark McGwire. FIGURES!
posted by dukealicious30 at 03:31 PM on September 14, 2005
"He's hitting the ball on the screws, for the most part, after not having faced live pitching all season. If Bonds would have had a spring training and been healthy all year, he'd have at least 40-50 homers." I would agree with that. Lets not forget people before all of the steroid accusations and enhancement creams Bonds was a monster homerun hitter.
posted by dukealicious30 at 11:23 AM on September 14, 2005
I just logged on and i am on the west coast so sorry i did not see Rose name. but how could you not mention the greatest hitter of all time?
posted by dukealicious30 at 11:07 AM on September 14, 2005
I agree with you daddi.... with the exception of grouping Kolbe Bryant in there. He was never accused of domestic violence. He also did not break the law. Now he did an immoral thing pending on your belief. And the media wanted a story and he was the target.
posted by dukealicious30 at 10:59 AM on September 14, 2005
i am surprised no one has even mentioned Pete Rose, and to not have Bonds in the top 10 but have Maddox? come on lets be real.
posted by dukealicious30 at 10:43 AM on September 14, 2005
I would like to see your list jtrainhoopster. If it is not too much trouble
posted by dukealicious30 at 04:28 PM on September 13, 2005
thank you yerfatma my point exactly.
posted by dukealicious30 at 04:17 PM on September 13, 2005
"My first thought is that T.O. makes enough cash that he doesnT have to auction off his Super Bowl ring to be charitable. But see, that wouldn't draw enough attention to himself. He needs the ego booster." posted by Richie Bee at 3:59 AM CST on September 10 Obviously you are a T.O. hater but I am willing to bet if Tom Brady wanted to auction off one of his superbowl rings no matter how much money he makes every one would call him a SAINT. But when T.O. does it, its an ego boost. he does not need any ego boost he knows he is the shit and so does every football fan and the media because if he wasn't no one would even talk about him at all. Kind of like the media does'nt talk about 75% of the league.
posted by dukealicious30 at 04:13 PM on September 13, 2005
I can name (at least) one player better than Bonds: Babe Ruth. That's if you include his pitching performances, which should always be a factor because it was part of his career. To not do so is to deliberately exclude part of what does make him the greatest player in the history of the game. well "grum" that's one only 9 more to go?
posted by dukealicious30 at 03:44 PM on September 13, 2005
first of all hardrock2005 you obviously dont know what you are talikng about either you or your so called inside packers source. preseason is NOT for the starters to prepare themselves against injury or they would all play the entire game. Preseason is to determine who the teams are going to keep on their 53 person roster. second catfish is right that is why players like T.O. and javon holdout because now that he is hurt what is the packers organization going to do for him? and if he cant return for a while are they going to continue to pay him no they are not because of cap issues. and i know this personally because i played pro ball.
posted by dukealicious30 at 03:29 PM on September 13, 2005
Kayaks Return to McCovey Cove
Oh okay I see what you mean now. Sorry for the misunderstanding.