Location: | Detroit |
Member since: | April 19, 2006 |
Last visit: | October 02, 2007 |
bigpoppav has posted 2 links and 22 comments to SportsFilter and 0 links and 0 comments to the Locker Room.
posted by to at 10:28 PM on March 06, 2025 - comments
my thoughts and prayers are with him and his family . For all of you out there who believe in miracles as I do. Tonight get down on your needs whereever you are and pray for this man to have a successful recovery. We should focuss our prayers on him having a productive, meaningful, happy life and not worry if he plays football again. p.s. I hope that Everett will not have any problems with the league regarding his health conditions. The NFL needs to step up to the plate and make sure this man gets everything he needs to have a successful recovery. Everett gave this league everything he had , he literally left it all out on the field. He and his family should never have to worry about the cost of it all. The league needs to step up and take care of it all.
posted by bigpoppav at 02:17 AM on September 11, 2007
I was just browsing thru these posting and came across yerfatma's post that accused patsman73 of dancing around what he really wanted to say. basically calling him a racist. Why is it that every time a black athlete or better yet a black person in general is caught doing something wrong its never their fault, it's always about some white person trying to hold them down. From what I gather this act of brutallity is not condoned by pepole of all races. Making that statement when it is obviously not true shows that until we stop using the race card we are setting up our next generation to continue using this as an excuse to bad behavior. Listen I am not nieve to the fact that there are racist acts every single day but I also know that every time a black person gets caught do somthing wrong racism is not the reason. How can our country get past racism when every time something happens the race card is played. The reason Vick is in this situation is because he made bad decision, he killed dogs, he bet on dog fights, not because of anything anybody else did. Its time for him to stand up and take responsability and its time for us to stop using the race card,stop making excuses for bad behavior. If we dont then our kids and thier kids will continue down the same path usng this as an excuse for there bad behavior. As a father thats something I dread my kids having to deal with.
posted by bigpoppav at 03:00 AM on August 21, 2007
Although I 100 percent disagree with what Tim Hardaway said and I think it is offensive to the gay community. I would hope that his freedom to speak what HE believes would be taken as just that. his belief. I'm sure that others in the league feel the same way but are keeping it to there self. Lets not forget the MEN in this league who are stand up guys who are secure enough in there own manhood that this would not interfere with there relationship with this player. "Why would this be a problem on the basketball court? does he play any differantly because he is gay? does he pass diff? does he shoot diff? the answer is no . so he deserves the same right to play the game as any one does.
posted by bigpoppav at 01:06 AM on February 15, 2007
I agree FonGu, I believe that Russ Grimm has the same type of mentality that coach Cowler brought to the table, and also because of his experience with the players he has an added advantage of knowing what makes the egos and personalities on this team tick. Plus, wouldn't it be nice to see a coach be brought up thru the system, paying his due's, and thus be rewarded with an oppurtunity to coach the team. It would show loyalty to your coaches and also a loyalty to there fans. the belief and foundation our fathers and grandfathers and their fathers set was to work hard be loyal and you would have an oppurtunity to move up the ladder, in Russ Grimm's case, all the way to the top.
posted by bigpoppav at 07:08 AM on January 16, 2007
Wow 55 years old and living in a assisted community. If that don't give up and coming want to be boxers something to think about then nothing will. Maybe Michael should have been steered away from boxing when not one but two of his brothers died from being bashed in the head continuesly. this will give anti-violent and anti-boxing people some more ammo. as to why boxing should be banned as a sport.
posted by bigpoppav at 05:57 PM on June 14, 2006
D.Wade played like it was win or die. Unfortunately if the Heat have any chance of winning this thing he's going to have to do that every single night out. Wade has the skills and the heart to do it but he can't beat the Maveric's alone. unlike in the series against Detroit,Shaq is being exposed for what he has become. A slow,HUGE low-post monster who when the game is spead up becomes a so-so superstar that even Dampier can hang with. Even though they beat the Pistons and beat them soundly.(I know they deserve to be here) I think the Pistons matched up better then they do. Shaq needs not 1 but maybe 2 huge performances for the Heat to have a chance. We'll see if he has it in him. I don't think he has it.Mav's in 6. You have to believe Wade has One left.
posted by bigpoppav at 10:44 AM on June 14, 2006
Shaq's been in this league long enough to know that you shouldn't give the other team any more reason to come out with more intensity then they allready had. The Pistons are going to eat the "Don Dadda" like a Tostada wash it down with a pina colada and then move on to the next rounda.
posted by bigpoppav at 12:23 PM on May 23, 2006
Ben Wallace looked old? I must have been watching another series. correct me if I'm wrong but wasn't he the guy out on the perimeter guarding James in the final 2 games of the series and then going inside to get rebounds? who won those games? wasn't he just named Defensive player of the year for the 4th time? doesn't he have a better cast of players around him for support? don't get me wrong I'm sure he's not running on a full tank but a 1/2 a tank of Wallace is a Diesel running on empty. Pistons in 6.
posted by bigpoppav at 10:45 AM on May 23, 2006
I agree with donnychris about the first game because Shaq plays well after resting for more then 2 days,BUT once the series gets into full swing and Rasheed keeps making him come in and out to the parimeter there is no way he will be effective by the 4th quarter. I think that the series falls directly on Wades shoulders. He needs to penetrate and dish and hope that his teammates (Antoine Walker and Jason Williams) play better then James' did. Expect to see guys like Dale Davis, Kelvin Cato, and maybe even Jason Maxiell come in and use there big bodies to foul and send the Deisel to the line. Remember that Flip is a bird off a different feather as coach of the Pistons. Larry Brown didn't believe in the hack a shaq but Flip will do whatever it takes to bring home the trophy. For the Heat to win Shaq will have to overcome alot of obsticles and play like the Shaq of 5 years ago. I may be wrong but I don't see that happening. Pistons in 6.
posted by bigpoppav at 07:38 AM on May 23, 2006
LeBron is a man among boys as far as I'm concerned. even though I'm a die hard Pistons fan.If he would have had any help at all we would be talking about a james wade series. as it is now James has set the tone for what happens next in his unbelievable assention to greatness.
posted by bigpoppav at 07:24 AM on May 22, 2006
Being from Detroit you would think I would be a huge Wings fan,but that just isn't true. I get harassed every year because I predict this thing happening to them. That is why at this time of year usually my buddy's are all whining about one thing or another and I get to say I told you so. Just as a side note I read in a local newspaper awhile ago that Manny Legace said he knew if he didn't win the whole thing he wouldn't have a job. I guess we've seen the last of the monster 5 hole.
posted by bigpoppav at 07:17 PM on May 02, 2006
"This is sure to raise all kinds of red flags" Are you kidding me? now a days this is called promotional behavior.let's face it what would you rather have surounding your team in the news papers. this or another steroid story? just about anything that doesn't involve steroids is going to be swept under the table. He will be in the major leagues sooner then later because you can sell talent to the public and you can keep your team in the papers"good or bad"with his adulesant behavior.
posted by bigpoppav at 06:58 AM on April 28, 2006
What a mess. Hey take it from a devoted Lion's fan. Harrington needs much more then a RB. He needs a heart, some confidense, and also leadership qualities. Unfortunately you can't teach any of those.
posted by bigpoppav at 10:34 PM on April 25, 2006
Gee,let's not get to wishy-washy with your prediction. Let's see,"they will beat the Bucks" wow what gave you that indication. could it be that on there best day the Bucks couldn't beat the Pistons bench.Those guys are just happy there getting there playoff bonuses. Now lets see, Who do you possibly think can beat the Pistons in a seven game series? Maybe a game here and there but no one in the ENTIRE NBA can beat the Pistons in a seven game series. I want to know what team you logically has the talent and depth to beat them. I honestly can't see it happening this year. They are on a mission of redemption and they will not be beat. oh Yeh by the way everybody"Chauncey Billips is the M.V.P. no doubt about it. to bad Kobe went on a scoring binge this year, but if you look at there % you would see C.B is a far better shooter.
posted by bigpoppav at 11:19 PM on April 24, 2006
Tim Hardaway is making progress
FINALLY a good story about an athlete that took responsability for his actions and did the right thing. I'm most impressed that he just didn't get in front of a podium and read from some sheet of paper how sorry he was and that he was wrong or he found god. something of that nature. He should be commended for actually realizing he hurt alot of people and not only asking for their forgiveness but for actually going and educating himself and mending bridges with people in the community. unfortunately there are to many athletes that would have worried about being ridiculed by their peers, they would have done the whole fake speech thing and went along with their business. Tim Hardaway was never one of my favorite players, but I have a new respect for him as a "man". Hopefully he gets an oppurtunity to continue into coaching in the NBA, we still need men like him to be role models to the kids of the future.