i hate to say it, but white people never see racism in ANYTHING. dont you think its even a little strange that the two white guys werent even mentioned in the media, and were ignored by prosecutors? the good ol' USA is the most most racist country in the world. most people just dont realize that.
posted by grizzay at 02:45 PM on March 02, 2006
no, wait! the LA Terminators. whoop !! there it is.
posted by grizzay at 12:39 PM on December 30, 2005
nah, cant be LA Saints. they'll have to change the team name. it'll probably be the first NFL name with no 's' on the end. the LA Rush
posted by grizzay at 12:38 PM on December 30, 2005
what happened to new orleans is very unfortunate. however we cannot forget that the team owner mr. benson had already been considering a move before katrina even hit. the superdome was already junk. the city wouldnt renovate. the NFL wants a team in L.A.. i dont think its benson's responsibility to stay now out of pity. the man has a business to run.
posted by grizzay at 11:02 AM on December 30, 2005
i cannot tell a lie. if i scored an NFL touchdown, i would party like its 1999. the NFL is in the business of entertainment. we must remember that, gentlemen. good sportsmanship doesnt get the high neilsen ratings. the Joe Horn cell phone TD was my fave. dancing around and celebrating after a 11yrd first down catch is a bit excessive though.
posted by grizzay at 09:42 AM on December 30, 2005
that's an overrated idea. i want my team to win whether its against the dominican all-star team, or the little league team from jerry's sport shop. all wins are good wins, grasshopper.
posted by grizzay at 04:12 PM on December 28, 2005
i heart mexicans !!
posted by grizzay at 03:10 PM on December 28, 2005
hello?! i was born in kansas. why would i want some other country to win? of course i wanna see U.S.A. win everything.
posted by grizzay at 03:09 PM on December 28, 2005
you also come across as a xenophobic jerk... me? a xenophobe? i am nothing of the sort. just ask my amigo jose. my point was that the latino players are very good. so the less of them there are, the better our chances. comprehension is the first step to enightenment, grasshopper. and i am familiar with the rules of english grammar; but i kinda dont care?
posted by grizzay at 02:44 PM on December 28, 2005
why do we even care if cuba plays. according to CNN, castro is an asshole. AND, the fewer latin american teams that participate, the better the chance of the good ol' USA coming out with a win. and isnt that what really matters here?
posted by grizzay at 01:56 PM on December 28, 2005
"...media ceated superstars like allen iverson." i dont think it was the media, mr. ying yang, that made iverson a star. you ever seen him play? the kid is a scoring machine. thats why he's a star. and yet your question was asking why the media hasn't made billups a star. isn't that ironic? dontchya think?
posted by grizzay at 01:17 PM on December 28, 2005
yeah, i thought miller sucked on MNF. i agree that alot of his comments seemed planned. i consider myself to be reasinably intelligent, and i actually "got" most of his references...but i just didnt think the guy was funny. too political. not enough football talk. its like all this guy knows is politics. i dont think he could spew out football facts like he could useless political jargon. why does everyone think this guy is so funny?
posted by grizzay at 02:08 PM on December 27, 2005
yo, im in Kansas City and i WILL be at the game tomorrow. it looks like LT#21 is gonna be out. woo-hoo !!!! no LT means no win for the Bolts. the CHIEFS can move the rock on anybody in the NFL and you know this , man. CHIEFS28...chargers17 !!!!!!
posted by grizzay at 12:45 PM on December 23, 2005
maybe one of those blood-pressure sleeve things.
posted by grizzay at 11:34 AM on December 23, 2005
is that for real? if so...this guy is absolutely insane. i have never seen anything like that in life. maybe americans really are missing out on something with this soccer thing.
posted by grizzay at 01:44 PM on December 22, 2005
Ruiz is, and will always be a bum. he never deserved to be a champ of anything. having said that, this new Russian cat has got to be a bum by default. GET HIM BYRD !!!!
posted by grizzay at 02:29 PM on December 19, 2005
am I the only one who wants to see Marcus Vick in a BILLS uniform. they never throw deep balls...so maybe they should go all out in the running game. 65 toss power trap !!
posted by grizzay at 09:17 AM on December 16, 2005
harrington stinks !! fire millen !!!
posted by grizzay at 09:14 AM on December 16, 2005
well if u ask me, Harrington never gave me any reason to think he would ever be good. and i'm sure it didnt help that he ended up playing for perennial bums, thd Detroit Lions.
posted by grizzay at 09:13 AM on December 16, 2005
im no eagles fan, but its hard for me to remember mcnabb being that good. all i remember are a bunch of pics. he never was all that mobile. sounds mediocre to me
posted by grizzay at 11:01 AM on December 15, 2005
(New) Home, James
i agree. the cards simply can't block anyone. edge will now see how good he had it up in Indy. he will never see the superbowl or even the probowl as a cardinal.