tiger i'm truly sorry to hear about your loss god bless your father and your family a fan
posted by FrankySP at 07:49 AM on May 04, 2006
drood you forgot cigars {hot dogs beer and cigars}
posted by FrankySP at 07:42 AM on May 04, 2006
absolutly mike g so do i as a cancer widower
posted by FrankySP at 04:00 PM on April 23, 2006
vibrator girl stick it where the sun don't shine maybe he should give you the money so you can buy a new vibrator
posted by FrankySP at 09:48 AM on February 14, 2006
the pats defense sucked they had lefty surrounded and hogtied quite number of times and every time he still hit the bulls eye QUITE a lucky night for my team (the patriots) lets see how they handle the colts before any kudos
posted by FrankySP at 08:39 AM on January 08, 2006
hate to see bernie sitting out but of all the boston players (that i have no love for) i do like damon ! can't wait for spring
posted by FrankySP at 11:24 AM on December 21, 2005
BIG F------G WHOOP!!!!!!!!
posted by FrankySP at 09:08 AM on December 12, 2005
may all the soxs' problems be BIG ONES
posted by FrankySP at 11:16 AM on December 07, 2005
not quite an antique but could very well be a has been (only a couple'a years left before antiqueville)
posted by FrankySP at 09:00 AM on December 03, 2005
Your talking two great golfers here however i have to go with bugsybaby on this one. That crybaby Wie or ei didn't make the cut but watchout when she does all hell will break loose on the sports writer front.
posted by FrankySP at 09:48 AM on November 26, 2005
PS; and that is coming from a yankee fan!!!!!!!
posted by FrankySP at 09:37 AM on November 01, 2005
what happened did gentle george take over the red soxs sounds like his pettit ploy tosave money for the bunch of cry babies that your are LUCHINO & CO you sure are ASSHOLES
posted by FrankySP at 09:36 AM on November 01, 2005
red sox fever your ass it was because the yankees weren't playing
posted by FrankySP at 10:17 AM on October 29, 2005
15yearold ass.....er kid!!!! GET THE FUCK OVER THE YANKEES PAYROLL i'm glad the sox won (WHITE NOT RED) for all i cared it could gone either way both teams deserving as a matter of fact any team except that other sucks oops soxs
posted by FrankySP at 11:47 AM on October 28, 2005
who the hell does that tupeed headed asshole of selig and the rest of the powers that be (umpires) think they are the gods of baseball???? this is getting way out of hand the astros own the field and they have do the whims of that j--ko-f selig!! let them close the roof and if the asshole fans start their hanky waving thunder stick b---sh-t OPEN THE ROOF before someone gets really hurt Aka; sheffield and crosby against the angles!!!!!
posted by FrankySP at 10:18 AM on October 25, 2005
i have an idea why not replace him with john sterlimg's understudy suzzy waldmen kill two birds with one stone and get that fountain of baseball literacy and knowledge at the same time
posted by FrankySP at 09:14 AM on October 22, 2005
they must mean fire out of a cannon this guy is way to good of an announcer to get rid of maybe gentle george (steinbrenner ) will get him and get rid of john sterling
posted by FrankySP at 08:54 AM on October 22, 2005
it's a win win situtation either team is worthy of the honor go teams!!!!!-A Yankee Fan
posted by FrankySP at 09:58 AM on October 20, 2005
keep those cheerleaders coming some eye candy and a respite from some UGGGGGLY athletes!!!!!!
posted by FrankySP at 09:53 AM on October 20, 2005
hey red terrrrror what brenly he's better than a swinging watch at hyponotists and by the way torre is not gone YET so keep your panties on fellas
posted by FrankySP at 09:00 AM on October 17, 2005
DAMN i wish i had stayed awake to see this great finish of the pain in the ass angles TAKE IT ALL SOXS!!!!!!!
posted by FrankySP at 08:09 AM on October 17, 2005
excuse me mr repoter???? WHAT NOT WHAY
posted by FrankySP at 07:58 AM on October 17, 2005
they ought take your press card or whatever and shove it where the sun don't shine whay an opertunistic ASSHOLE!!!!!!!
posted by FrankySP at 07:57 AM on October 17, 2005
HERE COME THE EXCUSES!!!!!! what happened to the rest of the big slugging heros one had a hang nail , one had a bad hair summer, etc. etc........ my sympathies to A Rod but........
posted by FrankySP at 07:53 AM on October 17, 2005
well blow me down matey BURY THOSE ANGEL BUMS
posted by FrankySP at 05:02 AM on October 16, 2005
bury those angels!!!!!
posted by FrankySP at 08:44 AM on October 15, 2005
umpires are getting to be very much PRIMA DONAS they think thier calls are god but they are god spelled backwards dog a lot of times like the fat a.s that threw johnson out of the game these guys should be cut down to size (of thier heads) a few notches maybe by that waste of a commisioner selig with that stupid tupee
posted by FrankySP at 09:27 AM on October 13, 2005
Gardenhire Scocia and all the other farmers are playing by the skin of thier teeth like if they didn't have thunder sticks and hankys where they be the assholes this is to the biggest pig of them all no bal---oops bandwagon
posted by FrankySP at 08:01 AM on October 13, 2005
i'm over it i was over it back at the begining of the yearwhen george's hasbeens and antques began thier DL parade!!!!!!
posted by FrankySP at 07:56 AM on October 13, 2005
joey it's not the managmeny it's the asshole fans with thunder sticks you know where they can put them
posted by FrankySP at 07:47 AM on October 12, 2005
fenriq; why the hell didn't you give to your own kid to begin with asshole!!!!!?????
posted by FrankySP at 07:10 AM on October 11, 2005
AHHHHHH.....horses..t here go again next watsh for all the st george atiques and has beens to compilment all the ones he already has i thought he was supposed to be a smart business man
posted by FrankySP at 07:04 AM on October 11, 2005
great to see jd back but he better practice his short game if he's going up against tiger (not that he is doing much better) if he does we will be seeing some outrageous golf in the future
posted by FrankySP at 02:58 PM on October 10, 2005
BUY THE BEST PLAYERS!!!!!!! the same sniviling excuses just admit the Yankees are a better team regardless i just hope they live up to that determination when they take on the Angles in the fifth game tonight those guys are TOUGH!!!!!!
posted by FrankySP at 08:15 AM on October 10, 2005
Excuse me that was what happened to ....... i just got carried away i was so glad that BOSTON LOST!!!!!! FrankySP
posted by FrankySP at 09:02 AM on October 09, 2005
what to BIG MOUTH SHILLING he won't see the post season against the nat. league ALL RIGHT!!!!! now if the yankees lose i will feel a little better about it personally the way george f----ed up thier pitching staff he deserves to lose!!!! yours Franky (still the yankee fan)
posted by FrankySP at 08:57 AM on October 09, 2005
Her Pride Was Really Hurt
and why doesn't she just concentrate on the women's (little girls) tour and win there first before SHOWBOATING on the real tour!!!!!