He walked TWICE? How could you miss the strike zone? also this kid could kick most of our asses, what I want to know is who tells him it's nap time?
posted by Sjtfireman09 at 03:34 PM on August 21, 2006
How about "Its the end of the world as we know it" by REM? Actually If I were the pitcher, Id probably set the record for blown saves so "Loser" by Beck would be appropriate
posted by Sjtfireman09 at 11:21 AM on April 18, 2006
Was that me or was that jackie chan getting up from the floor?
posted by Sjtfireman09 at 05:23 PM on March 19, 2006
I think it would be pretty kick ass if one of the AHL teams could win it in leiu of the NHL.
posted by Sjtfireman09 at 07:04 PM on February 07, 2006
well, I guess that answers it then. Hes pretty proud of himself (theodore). I guess he knows hes good enough to stop a 50 year old rec league shot. My only wonder is, was this guy on the power play?
posted by Sjtfireman09 at 01:45 PM on January 10, 2006
You guys seem to forget that the entire team was injured this year, i mean they were on their 5th or 6th recievers for most of the year, they went through 4 or 5 RB this year. To say that this team needs to rebuild is stupid. Their Defense was ranked in the top 5 in the NFL. Hell Joe Montana would have been lucky to have won 4 games if he had to play with his practice squad guys. Give the team a break.
posted by Sjtfireman09 at 04:37 PM on January 03, 2006
Maybe a Big 10 title next year I dont know This team wasn't supposed to be anything after their defense was drafted by the NFL. They played really impressively This season, and I think that they could have a decent shot at playing on the 4th or 5th of january next year.
posted by Sjtfireman09 at 10:49 PM on January 02, 2006
GBfan your doctor is an idiot. any moving around is better than sitting there. as far as 290 beats a minute goes, your heart wont be able to pump any blood going that fast because it doesn't even have time to fill with blood. 290 beats a minute is usually Ventricular Tachycardia, Which is a lethal rhythm unless prompt intervention takes place. good thing that both Mallon and Toms are doing ok.
posted by Sjtfireman09 at 02:19 PM on September 16, 2005
Besides the only minicamp that walker missed was a non contact non mandatory minicamp. So you guys who say hes not in shape are full of it. He still showed up for training camp and the preseason, hes been working at it for 3 months. He may have threatened hold out, but he knew that he still had to come to work and get the job done. so he put that aside for the year. Walker is young yet. he'll rehab it and be fine next year. True he wont get the contract then but he'll still be one of the better recievers than most in the NFL.
posted by Sjtfireman09 at 11:13 PM on September 12, 2005
I think the only major upset this year is that USC "beat up on" Hawaii and is being talked like they are on their way to winning a third National Championship. They had better win the National Championship, they dont play anybody. Its like a one legged man in an ass kicking contest.
posted by Sjtfireman09 at 12:22 PM on September 04, 2005
6-foot-8 Little Leaguer towers over foes
As a twelve-year old kid who stands 5'1" tall, would you want to throw a ball across the plate and take the chance that Captain Gigantic drives one right back through the box? Esp since they use aluminum bats. Kid like this could kill someone with a hard line drive. Soooo on the off chance that the kid strikes out, does he snap the bat over his knee like they do with wooden bats?