Sherman fired after losing season.: So is this a round about way of getting rid of Farve, he has said if Sherman goes he goes. They just gave Sherman an extension last year.
I do not believe that Favre wanted to wait on the new Wr's. to come around. He is very strict on knowing your plays and many of the new ones did not meet his approval.Nothing goes on in GB but the Packers. Montana was SF then and he faded away.So will Brett! Get some tissue and call it a day.
posted by AASR-AF&AM at 02:37 PM on January 02, 2006
Favre also said he would play for Mariucci if he were hired, three days after the Lions fired him. I'd just be a lot happier if someone could explain why my links to the same information were deleted, but in this blog nothing surprises me.
posted by mrhockey at 02:37 PM on January 02, 2006
Butt naked truth right there tdheiland!!!! Very well said.
posted by AASR-AF&AM at 02:38 PM on January 02, 2006
The Packers have definately been in a downward spiral since Sherman has taken the helm. I am a die-hard Patriots fan, but I would love to see Favre come back for one more season with a compitant coach and actually win another Super Bowl. (As long as it is not at the expense of the Pats. Still not over the 96 game.)
posted by grabofsky74 at 02:39 PM on January 02, 2006
Reggie white did put it in to the curly hairs!
posted by AASR-AF&AM at 02:42 PM on January 02, 2006
Can I get a response to this question please. Name me a team that the 72 Dolphins could beat that won the supper bowl since 86? 85 bears do not count.
posted by AASR-AF&AM at 02:46 PM on January 02, 2006
Sherman was one of the worst coaches I have seen in recent years. Why did he keep calling that play,where Favre throws the interception?... that play never worked!... especially not in the playoffs. I hope that when Favre fades away, he takes the " westcoast offense " with him. It only works if you have a stud at wide receiver.
Sweet Jesus there is another that wonders why that play is in book like me!
posted by AASR-AF&AM at 02:51 PM on January 02, 2006
(AASR, Maybe the '91 Giants (that was the Scott Norwood game)? Maybe they'd have taken one-of-two from the late-90's Broncos? I don't think so in either case, but I wouldn't bet the house against them either.) That's actually a decent topic for a column if you felt like breaking some candidates down.
posted by chicobangs at 02:56 PM on January 02, 2006
Sherman needed to go, look what he did the last 5 years as GM and what he had to work with. His draft choices sucked and now it showed this year after we lost a few players we had no replacements that could step up. My guess Farve comes back one more year, maybe two and the Pack hires Mariucci who he will play for. The Pack drops running back Green, drafts a wide out first round because on one can tell if Walker can play up to his one year of greatness again and he trade for another wideout to give Farve something to throw to. The pack has the running backs we need but one more would not hurt.
posted by GBFan at 02:59 PM on January 02, 2006
Can I get a response to this question please. Name me a team that the 72 Dolphins could beat that won the supper bowl since 86? 85 bears do not count. When will the game be played. I think that any game played before 1982 would favor the Dolphins because their sheer size and strength advantages over the children they would be playing against would be too much to overcome. Now if the game were played today? the Dolphins wouldn't stand a chance. Shula's play calling is archaic. The death of several key players on defense makes them vulnerable to the modern day "quick strike" type offenses. Though Czonka still seems to have some teeth, he has lost some of his bite.
Sherman needed to go, look what he did the last 5 years as GM and what he had to work with. His draft choices sucked and now it showed this year after we lost a few players we had no replacements that could step up. It really shows that in todays game it is very difficult to be both GM and head coach. I think only Belichek has been able to do it successfully. Andy Reid was close,...but there was this TO thing, well that's another thread.
Rhino, you are not worth a five dollar bag of hundreds!!!LOL The players then had the heart and feared no pain.In their prime condition in a neutral site.
posted by AASR-AF&AM at 03:09 PM on January 02, 2006
Only time will tell, but I would be willing to bet the Packers won't hire Mooch because of my previous reasons for firing Sherman. Nice post Rhino as I was wondering where that question fit in with this thread anyway.
posted by tdheiland at 03:11 PM on January 02, 2006
I have said for the past 4 years Sherman needed to go.The Pack could have gotten by with a good offensive coordinator, but needed a strong defensive mind at the helm.Since Fritz left, the d-fence has been a sieve.Favre needs to go as well.I have been ridden here in WI for saying it,but I have said it for the past 3 years.His int/td ratio has always stunk, but back in the day he had a "d" to cover his back side.
posted by jlgb at 03:21 PM on January 02, 2006
All time def. and off.!any era. Qb-Moon,rb-Bo.jksn,fb-"Moose" Johnston,ol-repeat Cowboys SB teams of the 90s,Wrs-M.Irvin&J.Rice,TE-K.jksn def.Deacon Jones,Dan Hampton,Randy White,Joe Green,L. Taylor,R.Lewis,M.Singletary,D.Butkis,D.Sanders,R.Lott,G.Fencik, put them where you want to!
posted by AASR-AF&AM at 03:22 PM on January 02, 2006
he takes the " westcoast offense " with him. If he does, maybe the Lions will follow his example and get rid of the sadsack piece of trash offense that they use and claim is "west coast."
posted by Ying Yang Mafia at 03:26 PM on January 02, 2006
It must be a humbling experience to find out that, after all these years, after all that planning, after all that success, when I'm at the helm, I sink the ship. Gosh, the Packers really sucked this season. And not the kind of suck that happens when key players are lost as a result of injury. The kind of suck that happens when the team has no spine, no desire. That kind of suck has to fall squarely on the shoulders of the coaching staff. Yeah, Sherman had to go...but too bad for Brett Favre.
posted by babooze808 at 03:35 PM on January 02, 2006
I'm really surprised Thompson took care of it this year. Maybe there's a big talent pool with which to fill the vacancy, but there are also head coach jobs open all over the league (what is it - 8, 9 teams now?). I figured he'd hold onto Sherman for another year and decline renewing him, after giving him the benefit of two Thompson-led drafts. I don't really care if Favre retires or not, but I hope to heaven they don't hire Mariucci. That won't be helping matters.
posted by rocketman at 03:42 PM on January 02, 2006
"So is this a round about way of getting rid of Farve, he has said if Sherman goes he goes. They just gave Sherman an extension last year." I think ur right tdheiland, definitely a way to get Favre out. Favre's done great things for the game of football, and a lot of people are basically forcing him into retirment.
posted by garnet&blackattack at 03:43 PM on January 02, 2006
after all that success, when I'm at the helm, I sink the ship. He inherited a decent team from Holmgren and in less than 6 years turned it into what it is today. Has nobody but himself to blame for the downfall of the Packers.
posted by tdheiland at 03:44 PM on January 02, 2006
it wasn't all coaching this year that made the packers bad. brett has always forced throws, but this year it was to a career-worst level. part of what made javon walker so key to the receiving corps is he could jump up and get those bombs into triple coverage brett has always thrown in his career. he can no longer carry a bad team by himself. on a good team with some half-decent blocking and route-running, he could be an asset.
posted by ninjavshippo at 05:15 PM on January 02, 2006
Will Brett be back?Hell yeah.He's a man among men.As for a replacement for sherman,sherman,sherman...sorry he reminds me of Sherman Clump.NOT STEVE!!!!Do something right for the Pack of fans.Get Jimmy Johnson.
posted by rwdaven1 at 05:19 PM on January 02, 2006
Thompson needs to be the one to go. He came from Seattle and look with him gone they are having their best season?? Farve will now go with Sherman which is sad because with the right players Farve can still play. Look at Sherman's record before this season. One bad season and you are fired?? Thompson needs to be fired now!
posted by JH_AF&AM at 05:49 PM on January 02, 2006
exactly my point from earlier. glad to meet you!St.Mathews #11 chgo.ill./MWST.James GL
posted by AASR-AF&AM at 06:07 PM on January 02, 2006
"Thompson needs to be the one to go" come on JH you said it all after that. Seattle has a great team and why? Because of Thompson he made the team for them thats what a GM does. Now lets hope he can do it in GB as well. Thompson stays, Sherman gone!
posted by GBFan at 06:23 PM on January 02, 2006
I have never been sold on Favre as an all time great any way. alot like Joe Namath who got tons of credit for his super bowl win, he also threw too many interceptions and I never thought he measured up as well as someone like Montanna. the same thing with favre. way too many interceptions for me. still he was one tough cookie. I just can't help but think there would have been more super bowls with far fewer ints
posted by dkern at 06:26 PM on January 02, 2006
It is definitly a Sherman/Thompson dealio. The Packers had thier worst season in 15 years? How many of those did Farve start? Case closed
posted by baxterndino at 06:29 PM on January 02, 2006
farve,a hell of a qb, needs to go also. his time is up,played good, but enough is enough!!!
posted by mkb33174 at 07:11 PM on January 02, 2006
To compile my posts from a couple of different threads here...Sherman the coach has struggled because Sherman the GM was so awful. They kept reaching for cornerbacks in the high rounds to try to cover Randy Moss (who no longer plays them twice a year), and all of them sucked. Then last year, in what many thought was the Pack's last chance, they desperately needed some defense, and drafted Aaron Rodgers instead. Sherman isn't a terrible coach, but his run as GM is why they stink now, so you might as well get rid of him. As for Favre, he's one of the top regular season QBs of all-time, but's he's been so God-awful in the playoffs the past few years that it seems safe to say that the Pack cannot win another Super Bowl with him at QB. And if they can't win the Super Bowl with him at the helm, there's no point in keeping him around. The sooner they start rebuilding, the sooner they can be a good team again.
posted by TheQatarian at 07:44 PM on January 02, 2006
As for Sherman being gone, in a way it is a shame because look at his record the last 6 years he has been with the Packers. Look at how many times he has led them to NFC Champs and look at his overall record! 59-43? and you say that he needed to go? You have to look at the WHOLE team...hince the word team, it takes more than just Favre, more than just a defense, it takes the whole team including the coaching staff to produce any kind of season. You can't put all the blame on Sherman because there were a lot of injured players that were replaced with rookies at the spur of the moment. As for Favre, I think that he will come back for a few more years, he still loves the game and still has game in him! He is in the best shape he has been in for the last couple of years, he is healthy and I think after a break in the off-season will come back next year no matter who they hire as Head Coach.
posted by reereesis at 10:18 PM on January 02, 2006
reereesis, who does the blame fall on then. 2 guards gone, crappy drafts, when defense needed selects a qb and a punter. lets mckenzie go, darren sharper. the list goes on and on yes the gm thing definitely was not his thing, but there were more than a few coaching calls that he blundered as well. 4th and inches in phillie, firing donatel(look at what atlantas d did the first year he got there)ultra predictable play calling run on first down, run on second down try and pass on third down, punt. not his fault that the players couldn't gain the yards, but defenses will pick up the routine play calling and stuff it right back down your throat.
posted by jlgb at 11:48 PM on January 02, 2006
It's time in Green Bay. They need to start over. Sherman's departure was necessary, and it will probably be for the best if Farve leaves as well. They need a coach that could bring some balance to the team. One who can shore up the defense and remodel it from the ground up, while, at the same time, building a new team around Rodgers. For the past few years, it seems Green Bay has been desperately trying to cling onto the late '90s. Only by taking a few years to build for the future will this team become great again.
posted by RScannix at 12:41 PM on January 03, 2006
You guys seem to forget that the entire team was injured this year, i mean they were on their 5th or 6th recievers for most of the year, they went through 4 or 5 RB this year. To say that this team needs to rebuild is stupid. Their Defense was ranked in the top 5 in the NFL. Hell Joe Montana would have been lucky to have won 4 games if he had to play with his practice squad guys. Give the team a break.
posted by Sjtfireman09 at 04:37 PM on January 03, 2006
You guys also seem to forget that Sherman wasnt that bad of a Coach. He was a lousy GM I'll give you that. His Firing was more of the New GM wanting to have his own man as coach.
posted by daddisamm at 02:49 AM on January 04, 2006
To say that this team needs to rebuild is stupid. Disagree. The 10-6 division title last year was a chimera, largely due to the fact that they played in a terrible division, and, therefore, had a soft schedule. That loss to the Vikings in the Wild Card game (at Lambeau, no less) showed the Packers for the paper tiger that they are. This team, healthy, may have reached 8-8 this year. I would not call them good; mediocre is more accurate.
posted by RScannix at 04:45 PM on January 04, 2006
I was thinking it would be an easy way to get rid of an over the hill hall of famer without taking a PR hit with the fan base. They fire Sherman, Farve decides to call it quits and the Packers have a reason to go into full rebuilding mode. They do it any other way and the s**t hits the fan with the fans.