Name: | R Shahan |
Member since: | November 17, 2005 |
Last visit: | April 26, 2006 |
baxterndino has posted 0 links and 8 comments to SportsFilter and 0 links and 0 comments to the Locker Room.
It is definitly a Sherman/Thompson dealio. The Packers had thier worst season in 15 years? How many of those did Farve start? Case closed
posted by baxterndino at 06:29 PM on January 02, 2006
My thoughts and prayers go out to the family. What a tragedy.
posted by baxterndino at 09:59 AM on December 22, 2005
Go Packers!
posted by baxterndino at 06:49 PM on December 20, 2005
He is truly an awesome player on and off the field. No Eagles fan here, but I have a ton of respect and admiration for one of the better players in the NFL.
posted by baxterndino at 11:43 PM on December 14, 2005
Philadelphia, PA (AP) - A seven year old boy was at the center of a Philadelphia courtroom drama yesterday when he challenged a court ruling over who should have custody of him. The boy has a history of being beaten by his parents and the judge initially awarded custody to his aunt, in keeping with child custody law and regulations requiring that family unity be maintained to the degree possible. The boy surprised the court when he proclaimed that his aunt beat him more than his parents and he adamantly refused to live with her. When the judge suggested that he live with his grandparents, the boy cried out that they also beat him. After considering the remainder of the immediate family and learning that domestic violence was apparently a way of life among them, the judge took the unprecedented step of allowing the boy to propose who should have custody of him. After two recesses to check legal references and confer with child welfare officials, the judge granted temporary custody to the Philadelphia Eagles, whom the boy firmly believes are not capable of beating anyone.
posted by baxterndino at 11:27 PM on November 24, 2005
shitty decision by the Eagles. Oh well.....
posted by baxterndino at 10:03 PM on November 23, 2005
I am going to enjoy watching Philly piss away their season. That'll teach ya that if a superstar wants to be paid, you are better off paying him, then maybe, MAYBE he might behave. But if you dont pay him you know he's gonna act a fool, whats he got to lose? I know all you Eagles fans hate TO, but dont you wish he were on the team now, atleast you would have one star on offense with DM gone. But oh well enjoy those Ls Comment icon posted by Drallig9399 at 4:30 PM PST on November 17 You're a flippin idiot. Where were you when all the Sportsfilter talk were going on about TO? Now? Here's you comments. There is no "I" in team, idiot!
posted by baxterndino at 08:53 PM on November 17, 2005
Vince Young art
He'll make a great Pro QB, too bad, we won't see many of those plays in the time to come....