As an Ohio State Fan, I am sure going to miss LLoyd carr! Tressle ruled him. Rodriquez could be more of a challenge.
posted by brownindian at 06:35 PM on December 16, 2007
if she is ready to serve....can he make the putt!?
posted by brownindian at 10:52 AM on December 15, 2007
If Brennan had been at any college in our time zone, he would have won hands down.
posted by brownindian at 11:24 PM on December 08, 2007
dude, I really enjoy your comments and wait for your predictions, but, you gotta give the Browns more credit....they're gonna kill ya here!
posted by brownindian at 11:38 AM on November 18, 2007
Get with it Grum.....the Jackets are the up and coming in the NHL. A force to be taken seriously. Wait till we dismantle the Avalanche!
posted by brownindian at 12:26 PM on October 27, 2007
The Cav's have a legitimate shot here....alot of people underestimated them before and paid...aka Detroit! Also keep in mind the cavs beat the spurs two out of two this season, so they can compete with them. The only thing not in their favor is homecourt I say if they can win one in san antonio, this have the potential to be a very exciting series. Be happy for any Cleveland sports program...we are due!
posted by brownindian at 04:05 PM on June 05, 2007
Does he happen to have an off season job with the cinncinatti bengals!
posted by brownindian at 05:36 PM on May 23, 2007
I know schedules are made out well in advance....but, Tampa Bay AT Detroit and Chicago/ Cleveland matchups seem rather stupid as openers. Why would Seattle (who has a dome) be at Cleveland in early april anyway? Surely the early games could be placed at warmer locations or in domed statiums. I'll sit through such conditions to watch the Browns, but I would just assume wait for better weather for a baseball game. Let the tribe travel if need be till mid april.
posted by brownindian at 08:37 AM on April 08, 2007
Boise state......nuf said....except playoff!!!!
posted by brownindian at 12:29 AM on January 09, 2007
Notre Dame had no business in a BCS game considering its ranking and this showed. Wisconsin would have at least given LSU a game. The rule stated in the BCS that no conference can have more than two teams is a sham when an existing rule states ND is eligible if ranked in the top 25. What makes such an ordinary team eligible when a good team is exempt is beyond me!
posted by brownindian at 07:12 PM on January 04, 2007
I have never stumbled upon this before, but, I consider the Hoser a quality Source for NFL humor, not realistic advice when actually picking a sheet! The Colts have their backs against the wall and will prove themselves, finally they get a patsy opponent to do this against! By the way, your remarks about Cleveland were NOT funny!
posted by brownindian at 10:28 AM on December 16, 2006
Hitchcock is simply a band aid on an open gash. He may slow the bleeding. I understand he is a very demanding coach and Gallant was a players friend. Mabey he will make them play harder, faster and better but what can motivate them more than their salary and the desire to win? Or a demotion to Syracuse! This team looks so lackluster and lifeless, I wonder at times what it will take to light a fire under their butts. The talent is there, hopefully he can provide some motivation.
posted by brownindian at 10:01 AM on November 23, 2006
Give the guy a break. As an OSU fan I got a bellyfull of him during his time at Indiana and saw some really stupid behavior. Throwing chairs...etc.... The man was just coaching trying to get a players attention, just ask the player! The media should devote more attn to OSU/mich football, I have seen so little in the news about it as of late!
posted by brownindian at 04:18 PM on November 15, 2006
Wow, such diverse comments....some quite informative and relavent, some not. Although all worth reading. Ohio State will win, it's a given. Home game, better offense, comparable defense......Jim Tressel. Tressel is the Key and time will show this, he will be the eventual reason for LLoyd Carrs's ouster. His team will be better prepared and he will outcoach Carr even if OSU's athletes don't outplay Mich.!
posted by brownindian at 04:13 PM on November 15, 2006
My blujackets ranking number 22 suprises me. They obviously have to improve their play alot to deserve it
posted by brownindian at 08:44 AM on October 22, 2006
How inspirational....what a great story. These guys are going to be light years ahead of any number one draft pick from a BCS school as far as the values of life. Thanks for posting this!
posted by brownindian at 05:22 PM on October 19, 2006
Unbelieveable, until you realize it's Miami.....they've gotten away with dirty play for years because they are Miami. The only way you are ever going to convice these people, meaning the players, Coker, the college president, the regents...etc that this behavior won't be tolerated is to cancell the remainder of BOTH teams seasons, forfeit the remainder of the games. Sorry guys, your done. And Coker, see ya, your fired. A one game suspension for Duke? Im sorry, this isn't much of a penalty!
posted by brownindian at 01:40 PM on October 16, 2006
This guy is good , I am going to bet the house!
posted by brownindian at 06:15 PM on October 14, 2006
Man, a post about t o! If I ever see his name in the news I automatically bypast the text as it is all egotistic crap. Please , don't make me read it here....ESPN Radio today had a segment about the decline of talent in the NFL and used him as an example. If he can make the grade, the defense has really stumbled league wide!
posted by brownindian at 02:58 PM on October 12, 2006
As a avid Indians fan I have but one thought on this......Good nite Yanks and send Joe Torre to Cleveland.!
posted by brownindian at 11:23 AM on October 08, 2006
If Marvin Lewis was serious about discipline, this problem wouln't exist with the Bengals. I look for Chris Henry to start as scheduled, even with four arrests in one year and being ordered by a judge to stay away from alcohol. This is where the NFL needs to step in a little further and have some sort of stricter league policy on discipline if the franchise/coach won't impose any!
posted by brownindian at 04:15 PM on September 27, 2006
Birth cerificate please!
posted by brownindian at 07:49 AM on August 22, 2006
If they would wait to have "tea"untill after the contest, this would never had come about.
posted by brownindian at 07:26 PM on August 20, 2006
I give Jerry rice the credit for common sense that Junior Seau lacks! Rice has been a standout receiver for years and is still better than alot of the younger ones, on top of the fact that he always did his job with class as opposed to the showboating that goes on today. A bengals receiver comes to mind!
posted by brownindian at 08:10 AM on August 20, 2006
The sad part about all this is that if the guy would have finished college and kept clean, he'd be sitting in a jacuzzi with four professional cheerleaders right now as opposed to prison...with a fairly respectable bank account to boot. When will the NFL set a minimum draft age as the NBA is making steps toward?
posted by brownindian at 06:32 PM on August 09, 2006
Anyone remember Greg Swindell...ace pitcher from texas drafted by Cleveland in the mid eighties. He was rushed through the minors and pitched his heart out for a mediocre indians team. Result was a ruined arm at an early age, his career fizzled with Texas. If a pitcher is nursed in his infancy and gets used to the innings/pitches per game at the pro level as opposed to to college level he stands a better chance of longevity.
posted by brownindian at 06:21 PM on August 09, 2006
Belichick has been taping since 2000, Goodell tells Specter
It is amazing in todays world how so few individuals can ruin so many fans love of sports. Belichick and Clemens are perfect examples