Or, why does a motorized vehicle need a moose?
posted by justgary at 02:41 PM on August 06, 2007
You're assuming a sentient ATV?
posted by yerfatma at 02:47 PM on August 06, 2007
Or why does a stupid mascot need to be on the field during a major league game? This isn't the minors, these are highly-paid athletes that could wind up having their career ruined. Stay in the stands, or maybe on top of the dugout, but not around the major league-level players. The idea the mascot was riding a motorized vehicle is just moronic. Maybe I'm just too old and a killjoy, but who needs these dumb mascots at major league stadiums anyway? The only thing close to a "mascot" I enjoyed was when the Buffalo Bisons had "The Earl Of Bud." He'd dance around, get the crowd going, then come sell you beer. THAT's entertainment.
posted by dyams at 02:47 PM on August 06, 2007
Why do major league teams need mascots or motorized vehicles? I'd do away with both. Mariner Moose? How in the world do you put "moose" and "mariner" together? Ah. Maybe I'm just bitter because I thought the post was about Mike Mussina.
posted by The Crafty Sousepaw at 02:48 PM on August 06, 2007
If you give a moose an ATV...
posted by maylay09 at 02:48 PM on August 06, 2007
I thought this was going to be about Mussina being a free agent.
posted by jerseygirl at 02:50 PM on August 06, 2007
i thought this was going to be about Mussina going on a Maddux-like rampage.
posted by goddam at 02:57 PM on August 06, 2007
Think of the strippers. Will anybody think of the strippers.
posted by igottheblues at 03:13 PM on August 06, 2007
I'm totally thinking about the strippers. And yes, I'm going to be in here a while. On topic: I thought John Farrell was going to have a freakin' stroke right there on the field. The whole thing happened on orders from Ichiro and his Yakuza henchmen, who felt their honor had been besmirched due to Coco taking Ichiro's stance and hitting doubles with it.
posted by The_Black_Hand at 03:28 PM on August 06, 2007
The whole thing happened on orders from Ichiro and his Yakuza henchmen, who felt their honor had been besmirched due to Coco taking Ichiro's stance and hitting doubles with it. "Your stance is familiar and honorable, grasshopper. But, you will learn have to learn humility.... Send the Moose."
posted by WeedyMcSmokey at 05:08 PM on August 06, 2007
what about the philly phanatic?? He's out there riding on an ATV during games, don't think he clipped anyone, but if they ban the Moose, ban the Phanatic
posted by Mr Jaws at 05:52 PM on August 06, 2007
What is it with Moose these days? Damn, lazy couch potatoes, can't even walk around at a ballgame anymore. BTW igottheblues, it would be easier for me to think about the strippers if I had a visual to work with.
posted by dviking at 01:07 AM on August 07, 2007
The 'Topes got it right. Just give Dancin' Homer a few Duffs, cue "The Baby Elephant Walk," and let him do his thing. Nobody gets hurt.
posted by tahoemoj at 03:19 AM on August 07, 2007
Why does the moose need a motorized vehicle?