Pardon me, your red underwear is showing.: Tatiana Golovin had the Wimbledon referee reaching for his rule book when she sought to appear on court wearing red underwear.
posted by worldcup2002 to tennis at 01:45 PM - 12 comments
Here is your link fellow pig! Have I mentioned red is my favorite color!
posted by jojomfd1 at 02:17 PM on June 29, 2007
jojo, you are my hero. My word, she is certainly an athletic young woman. Other than the color, I don't see what all the stir-up is about. Wimbletun, methinks it tis much ado about nothing.
posted by THX-1138 at 02:29 PM on June 29, 2007
Much ado about nothing. Photos are even ho-hum..., which see at link:
posted by Fly_Piscator at 02:53 PM on June 29, 2007
I love red; I don't even care what color it is.
posted by Howard_T at 03:08 PM on June 29, 2007
During the French Open I couldn't figure out what the heck happened to the second tennis ball that the players were given before a serve. Mystery solved.
posted by Ying Yang Mafia at 03:24 PM on June 29, 2007
I find it funny that they have no problem with her undies showing!!! But it's a problem if they go below the hemline because of their color!!! Gotta love the Brits!!
posted by lil'red at 03:39 PM on June 29, 2007
I couldn't figure out what the heck happened to the second tennis ball that the players were given before a serve. Mystery solved. As a former ballboy, I salute her. I root against every player who takes two balls and throws one back every serve. Bastards. At least the women have an excuse in that some outfits lack pockets, but the guys are just dicks.
posted by yerfatma at 03:46 PM on June 29, 2007
Aren't those just bloomers? And forget about the color, she should get a doctor to look at that. I think it's a goiter.
posted by BlueCarp at 03:58 PM on June 29, 2007
I couldn't figure out what the heck happened to the second tennis ball that the players were given before a serve. Mystery solved. When I die, I want to come back as one of Golovin's tennis balls.
posted by MGDADDYO at 10:21 PM on June 29, 2007
She should lower her hemline, but other than that, the photos are mundane.
posted by Cave_Man at 07:22 AM on July 01, 2007
You'd think they'd be concerned about her blouse's neckline -- gosh, that's a halter with spaghetti straps fercryinoutloud -- but no, they focus on what's essentially brightly colored sport shorts, the stuff you'd see on volleyball players and track and field athletes. Seriously, tho, I understand this is more of a branding thing for Wimbledon, an attempt to maintain the aesthetic of the crisp country club whites against the raging multi-colored jungle spandex the rest of the tournaments allow. Rather than run the tight line of managing these absurdly detailed guidelines, I'd love to see the Wimbledon fashion police mandate a return to collared button-up shirts and trousers for the men and hoop skirts and long sleeve full-collar blouses for the ladies. Let's see some full-length diving volleys and between the leg smashes with those outfits on!
posted by worldcup2002 at 07:47 PM on July 01, 2007
What?!? No link to said offense of discretion? Outrage!! (I am such a pig)