Do you think everybody is paying attention in this film session?:
posted by tommytrump to football at 09:57 PM - 6 comments
I read this earlier today. Personally, I thought it was hilarious! They are really roasting him on FARK. I would guess he got caught with his "hand in the cookie jar" so to speak.
posted by steelergirl at 10:45 PM on June 01, 2007
This is hilarious. People need to lighten up and see the humor in life and not be grumpy old fussbudgets who insist on propriety.
posted by sickleguy at 02:20 PM on June 02, 2007
And no link to the video. Sheeesh, what a disappointment. (now let me see...what does cc mean?)
posted by Howard_T at 06:03 PM on June 02, 2007
And no link to the video. Sheeesh, what a disappointment. (now let me see...what does cc mean?) I always thought it was Latin, but it's much simpler, it's carbon copy. Not that you didn't know that.
posted by tommybiden at 06:36 PM on June 02, 2007
Holy shit! I can only imagine if I had to come out with a public apology, looking all hangdog and penitent for every racy e-mail I ever forwarded! I don't know how graphic it was, and I guess it was probably innappropriate as hell, but to offer that sort of sincere(ish) mea culpa for something so trivial must have been excrutiating. Really, unless it was something illegal, involving children or rape, then get the hell over it! I can only imagine if it was something serious like the aforementioned, he would have been not only canned but also prosecuted. So chances are it was just in poor taste. The embarassment of sending it out is probably punishment enough.
posted by tahoemoj at 02:29 PM on June 03, 2007
If Christy Canyon is involved, I'm guessing yes.