For Rickey, catching foul ball in 'Frisco not kid stuff: For all his accomplishments, you'd think snagging a foul ball in the stands would be small stuff for Rickey Henderson. Think again.
The story is that Rickey Henderson is one of the great personalities of our time. For what it's worth, this is as much of a story as some dude who heckled Vernon Wells and got a signed baseball for his troubles, IMHO.
posted by holden at 01:07 PM on May 09, 2007
The story is he caught a baseball in the stands? If that's all you got out of the story, then maybe it is but.... For what it's worth, this is as much of a story as some dude who heckled Vernon Wells and got a signed baseball... Took the words right out of my mouth, holden.
posted by BornIcon at 01:12 PM on May 09, 2007
Rickey's only 48 years old. Giants general manager Brian Sabean should be on the phone with Rickey's agent right now trying to work out a deal. He'd fit in perfectly with Barry Bonds, Rich Aurilia, Ryan Klesko, and Dave Roberts. Nothing quite like adding one more over-the-hill baseball player to a roster that is full of 'em already.
posted by Cameron Frye at 02:04 PM on May 09, 2007
Well, they'd be able to order their supplements in bulk. (Now, now. I meant, like, Geritol. Or Viagra,)
posted by The Crafty Sousepaw at 02:18 PM on May 09, 2007
Try as I might, I can't find a single instance in that article where Rickey referred to Rickey in the third person. Not once. I don't care what any of you say, Rickey's age is definitely catching up to Rickey.
posted by The_Black_Hand at 04:07 PM on May 09, 2007
Howard is happy that Rickey caught a foul ball. Howard would like to see Rickey give it one more try in the majors. Howard thinks that if Julio Franco can do it, why not Rickey.
posted by Howard_T at 04:11 PM on May 09, 2007
Bperk think it is pretty cool that after Rickey's long career, Rickey still loves baseball enough that catching a foul ball in the stands was important to Rickey.
posted by bperk at 04:47 PM on May 09, 2007
Took the words right out of my mouth, holden. But holden's words only apply here, whereas jerseygirl's apply to every post that's just a link to a wire story.
posted by yerfatma at 05:11 PM on May 09, 2007
Rickey's age is definitely catching up to Rickey. The last few sentences of the article show that Rickey's hardships over his last few seasons have toned him down: He enjoys coaching players in the fundamentals of leading off and baserunning. "I always want to be around the game," he said. "That's something that's in my blood. Helping them have success feels just as good."
posted by yay-yo at 05:20 PM on May 09, 2007
Bonkers thinks Ricky would be a perfect pitchman for any number of old-age products, from Geritol and Ben-Gay to Cialis and See-bond. What person could not love and trust the smiling visage of Rickey hawking adult diapers?
posted by Bonkers at 06:00 PM on May 09, 2007
Try as I might, I can't find a single instance in that article where Rickey referred to Rickey in the third person. Rickey be Rickey.
posted by wingnut4life at 01:00 AM on May 10, 2007
The story is he caught a baseball in the stands?