Pistons : 2 - Magic 0
Cavaliers 1 - Wizards 0
Nets 1 - Raptors 1
Bulls 2 - Heat 0
Mavericks 0 - Warriors 1
Suns 2 - Lakers 0
Nuggets 1 - Spurs 0
Rockets 2 - Jazz 0
posted by lilnemo to basketball at 03:47 PM - 14 comments
GO CAVS!!!!!!
posted by fourthreeforty at 08:52 AM on April 26, 2007
Daaaaaa bulls da bulls da bulls da bulls da bulls. Daaaa bulls da bulls da bulls!!
posted by Debo270 at 09:37 AM on April 26, 2007
The Cavs can barely beat a gimped Wizards team. They just don't know how to turn their game up. They're going to get floored in the second round.
posted by jmd82 at 09:41 AM on April 26, 2007
Bulls 107- Heat 89.......Thats right read it and weep! Go Bulls!!
posted by TelamarketersBeware at 09:52 AM on April 26, 2007
Easy on the homerism, kids. It ain't a Yahoo! chatroom up in here. Straight from your friendly neighborhood new user message: "This site is not a place for trash-talking fans to repeatedly proclaim that their team rocks and someone else’s team sucks."
posted by The_Black_Hand at 10:03 AM on April 26, 2007
Sorry about da bulls thing. I was channeling Chris Farley. I just got pimp slapped by the black hand
posted by Debo270 at 11:25 AM on April 26, 2007
Sorry. Yelling at John Barry and Bill Walton.
posted by TelamarketersBeware at 11:27 AM on April 26, 2007
TBH is just sore because he's checked the page several times but the Celtics never show up.
posted by Ying Yang Mafia at 03:08 PM on April 26, 2007
A Mister Oden on line four for you, Mister Ainge.
posted by The_Black_Hand at 04:00 PM on April 26, 2007
Chalk one up for my Lakers! I'm just glad we didn't let Phoenix sweep us. Phoenix is too weak in the post to hang with us when we run our offense. When we start taking quick shots, they get to run and then we are at the disadvantage. Another key was the Lakers' D. They didn't let Nash go free on the pick-and-roll. Just like last year, when you pressure the guy, he falls apart. I don't understand why more teams don't try a bigger guard on Nash and post his skiny little ass up. It seems like they all try to bring in a little dude to chase him around. I think you have to be physical with him. Is it just a coincidence that he has won 3 MVP's since the no handchecking rule has been enforced?
posted by yay-yo at 09:37 AM on April 27, 2007
Goddamn motherfucking piece of chickenshit Mavericks. Like my sophomore year in college, I'm questioning why I had faith in anything. Good Lord. Bite me, Dirk.
posted by Ufez Jones at 12:17 AM on April 28, 2007
Who would have thought that Golden State would be more trouble to the Mavs than Orlando to the Pistons?
posted by Ying Yang Mafia at 06:38 AM on April 28, 2007
Who would have thought that Golden State would be more trouble to the Mavs than Orlando to the Pistons? Uhhhh.... I did. The Warriors had beaten the Mavericks seven out of eight times coming into the playoffs. As long as Baron Davis keeps playing well and soesn't get kicked out another game, then the Warriors have won this series. As far as the Majic are concerned, get ready for next year. It was pretty obvious that the Majic couldn't beat the Pistons in the playoffs. However, I thought that they would at least win one if not two games. How about them Bulls. Took out the defending champians Miami Heat in four games. A clean sweeping. I knew the Bulls were going to beat the Heat, just not in four games.
posted by TelamarketersBeware at 09:56 AM on April 30, 2007
Make it: Mavericks 1- Warriors 1 /was there in nosebleed and cursing stupid late start time