The Sporting news wants you to pay $24.95 for NFL Draft (?!?) coverage.: I hesitate to shill for this half-baked idea, but I'm mystified. What possible reason would someone pay good money for statistics at your fingertips during the draft? Presumably, you could watch it on television. My first thought was, ok, it's for fantasy football junkies, but shoot, all this info will be available for free after the draft. Are there any Sportsfilterers that want or believe they need this sort of real-time info barrage?
posted by pastepotpete to football at 06:44 PM - 6 comments
I'd rather figure the $24.95 into my beer budget.
posted by RGarraud at 09:03 PM on February 11, 2002
Even I wouldn't buy draft coverage. Not even for Kiper. And Kiper is a deity.
posted by owillis at 10:25 PM on February 11, 2002
Hmmm...draft coverage, or draft beer? It's a tough choice.
posted by kirkaracha at 10:29 PM on February 11, 2002
RGarraud: hrm... $25 worth of beer might actually be enough to make the draft interesting. I mean, really... I'm as much a sports junkie as anyone I've ever met, but the draft mainly bores me to tears, especially after the first round is done and most of the 'name' players have gone.
posted by tieguy at 10:35 PM on February 11, 2002
Buy the Sporting News draft preview at your news stand, cheaper, and you can read it in the bathroom.
posted by jbou at 08:44 PM on February 12, 2002
as don king would say, 'only in america.' in the past i've paid for fantasy football info, when my work situation ate up nearly all of my free time to do research. but i can't see the appeal here, and i'm a nfl enthusiast.