Hidden: Former major league umpire has stroke: Eric Gregg, a good guy with a bad problem. As a born and raised Philadelphian working around town we would always see him jogging trying to keep that massive frame under control. He always got a "Yo Gregg!" or at least a toot on the horn. Get well soon, homie.
Aww damn...such a shame. R.I.P.
posted by GoBirds at 08:28 PM on June 05, 2006
I'll never forget the game that Eric was working 3rd base. He had taken off quite a bit of weight in the off season and as Ozzie Smith went out to his ss position he detored over to 3rd base and put a hamburger on the bag. Eric almost fell over laughing and he gave Ozzie a high five. The burger ended up in the Mets dugout. He was one of the good ones and he'll be missed. RIP Eric.
posted by st.louie at 08:58 PM on June 05, 2006
55, Thats still way to young.R.I.P.
posted by kckurtbusch at 09:12 PM on June 05, 2006
I was at that game, "st. louis". Good memory! Umps can be real pricks, but I always thought that Gregg gave his best. Peace, Eric Gregg.
posted by wolfdad at 09:23 PM on June 05, 2006
posted by curtangle at 11:05 PM on June 05, 2006
A real shame. I remember seeing an interview with Eric when he was trying to lose the weight. Seemed like a great guy, many spoke highly of him. Now he's "safe at home"! RIP
posted by FtheRedSux at 12:32 AM on June 06, 2006
Eric was a good friend and a mentor as I was trying to break into organized ball. He will be sorely missed. RIP *
posted by elovrich at 02:52 AM on June 06, 2006
Just heard on WIP, he passed away this evening.