Florida Gators in the 2006 National Championship: George Mason's run ends against Florida, 73-58.
posted by kirkaracha to basketball at 07:47 PM - 8 comments
Yeah, it was a nice feel-good run for the Pats. I hate to see this, because I'm all about the underdog.
posted by wingnut4life at 08:06 PM on April 01, 2006
I love to see this, because I'm all about the Gators.....go UF!
posted by bcb2k2 at 08:10 PM on April 01, 2006
I hate to see this because so far these are the dullest pair of final four blowouts I can remember.
posted by tieguy at 09:24 PM on April 01, 2006
Well, at least now everyone knows who George Mason was. Don't they?
posted by cl at 10:27 PM on April 01, 2006
God, tieguy, I know. After so many exciting games, one of the most potentionally great Final Fours of all time, and... boring blowouts. And UCLAme is still in it. Hooray.
posted by uglatto at 10:29 PM on April 01, 2006
So now it's Florida and UCLA. My bucks (if I were a gambling man) would be on UCLA. If for no other reason then it'll mean big time partying here in L.A. and not at the expense of one of my Detriot teams.
posted by commander cody at 10:29 PM on April 01, 2006
Congrats to FLA and UCLA!!! You are where every team in the USA wishes it was. I hope for you both to have a championship game Monday!!!
posted by GOBucks! at 02:00 PM on April 02, 2006
Congratulations to Florida. They were just better. I think the difference in the game was their 6-0 surge coming out of halftime, which really put the game out of reach. Also, the annoucers kept mentioning Mason's lack of made 3-pointers, but it seemed to me that the problem wasn't their not making three-pointers as it was their not taking them.