Name: | Hunter Felt |
Member since: | August 30, 2005 |
Last visit: | July 05, 2006 |
uglatto has posted 0 links and 61 comments to SportsFilter and 0 links and 0 comments to the Locker Room.
Oh, as a Heat fan, let me tell you this: We are going to choke real bad today. I feel it. I hope I'm eating my words, but I don't see the Heat winning this series.
posted by uglatto at 04:39 PM on June 02, 2006
Conspiracy or not, was/is there anybody who thinks/thought that Clemens would go to a team who was not the Astros?
posted by uglatto at 10:38 PM on May 30, 2006
Commander Cody, it's the dumbing down of America. Sports announcers these days are designed to be entertainers, to turn sports into a circus, where the focus is all about them, about sprucing things up with a sideshow. Once upon a time we had true announcers, who knew their jobs, knew how to call games and the limits to what they were able to do. Now, we have clueless ex-jocks (Joe Morgan, Tim McCarver), and no-talents clowns (Hawk Harrelson, Chris Berman), making a mockery of the art of broadcasting. I honestly don't think we're ever going to have another call like the Kirk Gibson home run call ever again. It's a shame.
posted by uglatto at 10:47 PM on May 29, 2006
Kornheiser's pretty good, just compare "Around the Horn" with "Pardon the Interruption," the same exact topics are discussed, and one show is awful and the other show in entertaining. I'm not sure if he is really an announcer type guy. "MNF" could be bad, it could be good, but I will say this: Nothing could be worse, I have to say, than the Joe Morgan/Chris Berman baseball combo. Nothing.
posted by uglatto at 10:04 PM on May 29, 2006
Amen Grum, No matter what you think about Bonds's non-record, to diminish the talents that existed in the Negro Leagues is a fool's errand.
posted by uglatto at 12:19 AM on May 29, 2006
I've watched the Heat all year long, and after seeing how the Pistons totally owned them, I'm not taking the Heat to win until they do. Would be great if they did, but the Pistons found an answer to Dwayne Wade more than any other team this season.
posted by uglatto at 04:17 PM on May 25, 2006
Okay, so there's no chance of a Spurs-Pistons finals. I am appeased.
posted by uglatto at 10:31 PM on May 22, 2006
No great player is the next "whoever." There's not going to be the next Bob Dylan, there's not going to be the next Michael Jordan. If LeBron is going to be great, he's not going to be the next anybody. He's going to be the first LeBron.
posted by uglatto at 11:18 PM on May 21, 2006
I was hoping for a Wade-James playoff series, but still, did anyone really expect this series to go to seven games? Anybody? The Cavs have nothing to be ashamed of, just forcing a game seven against what was clearly the best team in basketball was more than enough to show how good LeBron James is, and how dangerous this team could be.
posted by uglatto at 10:30 PM on May 21, 2006
Jason Giambi and Garry Sheffield also, knowingly or unknowingly did steroids according to testimony. Nobody? Nobody? So, it's okay to do steroids as long as you don't go trying to ruin our precious records. Okay, that's great. That's a good moral position. Anybody's who's a fan of any team could possibly be rooting for players who, at one point or another, used steroids. It sucks. I know. But trying to blame this all on Bonds is ridiculous (and, yes, I'll be the first to tell you that Bonds is a steroid user and a huge a-hole, and I don't applaud his efforsts). It makes you feel better to have a scapegoat, I understand, but trying to take the moral highground while doing so is an exercise in futility. Besides, do you really think that history will judge Bonds the equal of the Babe? Please.
posted by uglatto at 12:47 AM on May 21, 2006
I just want to say this right now. After both the Pistons and the Spurs have won their game sixes and are heading home, if the finals are indeed, as I fear, Spurs vs. Pistons again, I will never, EVER, watch another NBA game as long as I live. Period. Any sport that allows the dullest possible showdown as their championship series two years in a row is unworthy of being watched by the general public. If another Spurs/Pistons match-up occurs, I hope that the NBA goes the way of NHL.
posted by uglatto at 11:47 PM on May 19, 2006
Hey if we're talking about pitchers throwing inside on their relatvies, it has to be mentioned Roger Clemens vs. Koby Clemens, brushing him off the plate. "This guy threw at his own son during a father-son game!" That being said, I have no opinion on Bonds or Springer.
posted by uglatto at 09:59 PM on May 19, 2006
Go LeBron! If the Cavs beat the Detroit Inforcers... er, Pistons, I would even accept them beating the Heat. Heck, a seven game series with LeBron vs. Dwayne Wade. Now, that would be beautiful, beautiful basketball. Heck, I'm going to be honest as long as the NBA Finals are anything but Spurs vs. Pistons, I'll be happy with the results.
posted by uglatto at 11:04 PM on May 17, 2006
Dallas 3
Well, I am extraordinarily happy to be wrong.