The more things change...: As TSN writer Jay Onrait flipped between watching the Vancouver Canucks get pummeled for the fifth straight game in a 5-0 loss to the Predators on Tuesday night, and the Edmonton Oilers barely hanging on to a 2-1 victory in Minnesota to snap a four-game losing streak, he was struck by something. These were arguably the two most active teams at the NHL Trade Deadline, and right now, it hasn't done either of them a bit of good.
posted by wingnut4life to hockey at 04:41 PM - 8 comments
Well, it hasn't been that long since the trades, so there's probably some transition time, while they get used to new lines, new teammates, new coach, etc. Give them time... if they still suck 3 weeks from now then we can call the trades useless. I do think that that too many trades and too much roster turnover is a bad thing, and perhaps that is what is going on.
posted by Bernreuther at 05:52 PM on March 15, 2006
My thoughts exactly, Bernreuther. I would think that you would make the drastic changes in the off-season, and just tweak it at the trade deadline. One, maybe two players at the deadline, but that's it. Too many and it's like training camp all over again.
posted by wingnut4life at 06:11 PM on March 15, 2006
Sounds like Onrat had a column due and one bitch of a hangover.
posted by WeedyMcSmokey at 09:16 PM on March 15, 2006
You have to admit on paper the Oilers look real fucking nasty, 'Cover has always been a one-line team in my eyes and I never bought Cloutier as bonafide numero uno (I admit I didnlt see much of him on the Canucks and my opinon is coming from seeing him early in his career on some awful Ranger teams) Why have the Canucks been constant under achievers? They play like they think they should just by virtue of the fact that they are the Canucks and we have Nausland, and Bertuzzi and Jovanoski and the Sedins and... you get the point, that club is all names and no heart.
posted by HATER 187 at 08:41 AM on March 16, 2006
Hater, if Vancouver can just bring up their special teams play, they would be so much better. Apparently they also need to have the lead in the first period of the game to be able to hold on and win: Power Play: 17th @ 17.6% Penalty Kill: 19th @ 81.6% Winning percentage when: Leading after 1st: 2nd @ 88.2% Trailing after 1st: 9th @ 41.0% Leading after 2nd: 21st @ 82.1% And their goaltending is pretty much middle-of-the-road, ranked 13th with 3.03 goals against per game. This definately smells like shitty special teams coaching. P.S. All stats taken from
posted by wingnut4life at 10:54 AM on March 16, 2006
gotta be in the top 10 in all areas to even be considered a shot for the cup..especially the special teams..which in todays new NHL is vital to having any sucess at all...vancouver is doomed to lose in the first round...
posted by ktown at 10:31 AM on March 17, 2006
Hi !
posted by St.Louis Sandi at 04:05 PM on March 22, 2006
One of Vancover's problems right now is a problen that Buffalo traded to them,