Wrestling With Life After Death: AJ Detwiler is one of the top prep wrestlers in Pennsylvania. He's also grappling with an unimaginable family tragedy.
I was speechless. I don't know how they can survive. A very strong family. Now I hope Hollywood doesn't come in a screw up their life story. Good luck A.J. !!!!
posted by chucodimebag at 01:19 AM on February 24, 2006
I hope the younger brother, Corey, has something as positive as AJ does to throw himself into. His level of involvement in this tragedy is heart wrenching. If Hollywood wants to present this story to the masses, (a larger masses than the internet), so be it. These kids deserve the kudos and cash that it would bring.
posted by geekyguy at 03:13 AM on February 24, 2006
If Hollywood does anything with this story, it will be to twist it and make it seem like his father was misunderstood and not responsible for his actions. That's what Hollywood does to situations like this. AJ is to be saluted for his and his brother's defensive actions. But I'd myself much rather see a private film maker do this story, rather than the corrupt and facts-wrong world of Hollywood.
posted by mrhockey at 07:50 AM on February 24, 2006
I, for one, don't want to watch this proposed movie. That short article was horrible enough.
posted by fabulon7 at 07:55 AM on February 24, 2006
Holy shit...how terribly sad. How could they ever regain some sense of normalcy? My heart goes out to him and his family.
posted by willthrill72 at 08:26 AM on February 24, 2006
Big article about this in ESPN magazine (I just recently started getting this because I subscribed for the online Insider dealy -what a complete piece of shit rag. It's terrible - all tragic human interest stories that rile up the blood). It sounds to me like the story is already being manipulated. Dad - loving father, caregiver, who the whole family loves - murders his wife and turns the gun on his kids who immediately and decisively kill him? There has to be way more to it than that. Still - not something you just walk off.
posted by WeedyMcSmokey at 10:02 AM on February 24, 2006
Dad - loving father, caregiver, who the whole family loves - murders his wife and turns the gun on his kids who immediately and decisively kill him? There has to be way more to it than that. I agree. There has to be some history of abuse or maybe mental illness here that's not being mentioned.
posted by commander cody at 01:50 PM on February 24, 2006
This story reminds me why I am pro-guns! I hate when people challenge my right to bear arms. If Mr. Detwiler hadn't had a gun, he would have had to kill everyone with a knife, which would have been very gruesome and also somewhat difficult. Thank god this great country lets us have guns so that we can just shoot people when we're suffering from serious mental illness. God Bless America! (and no one else)
posted by DudeDykstra at 02:04 PM on February 24, 2006
By the way, there does not have to be much more to this story. When someone is bipolar and/or manic depressive they can show very serious effects very quickly. People will often describe a loved one as suddenly becoming unrecognizable and seeming like a completely different person. And I think you would "immediately and decisively kill" someone who had just killed your mother and then turned the gun on you. Duh.
posted by DudeDykstra at 02:07 PM on February 24, 2006
Yeah sure - if that's the way it actually happened. Sure makes a good story the way it's presented (let's not forget that these are hardly investagative journalists writing these things). I, on the other hand, would have a hard time shooting my Dad so quickly thereafter. Bi-polar or not. "Get the fuck away from my mother?" That sounds like a line in a Jean Claude Van Damme direct-to-video flick.
posted by WeedyMcSmokey at 02:37 PM on February 24, 2006
Tragic and sad, No one knows how they would react to something like this and everyone is different, so go ahead and say it doesn't sound like the truth. If god loved a cynic he would hug some of you to death. :o)
posted by Steeler_Fan at 04:41 PM on February 24, 2006
DukeDykstra- I agree that people should be able to have guns- but that is the stupidest reason I have ever heard of of why people should have guns. Moron.
posted by nort_12345 at 06:28 PM on February 24, 2006
DukeDykstra- I agree that people should be able to have guns- but that is the stupidest reason I have ever heard of of why people should have guns. Moron. posted by nort_12345 at 6:28 PM CST on February 24 Um...I think he was being sarcastic. imho
posted by commander cody at 07:05 PM on February 24, 2006
Jesus H. Keriiiiist! And I thought I came from a dsyfunctional family!