Goodbye Brass Bonanza: It's been 9 years since the Whalers left Hartford. Sometimes history repeats itself. By sportsfilter's own YukonGold.
The worst thing about the Whaler's leaving was it put a bunch of downtown Hartford bars out of business. Scarlett O'Haras was a nice hang-out before and after games, as was Chuck's Steak House. They just couldn't make it without the Whaler traffic. Can't say the Whalers leaving killed downtown, however, because it was already dead.
posted by drevl at 12:41 PM on December 09, 2005
That song was one of my favourites growing up, and I was also a huge fan of the Whale (owning a Geoff Sanderson #9 jersey). I had no idea that the two were related. Thanks justgary!
posted by loquax at 02:26 PM on December 09, 2005
Loquax, thank yukongold. He wrote the article, I'm just the messenger. :)
posted by justgary at 02:35 PM on December 09, 2005
Small benefit - It's made the Whalers jerseys; arguably one of the more brutal designs, fashionable, quaint and throwbacky. Wear the Sanderson #9 with pride loquax.
posted by WeedyMcSmokey at 02:37 PM on December 09, 2005
I'd go with the Beeker (#16 I think) Whalers are right behind the old black and silver Kings jersey as best sweater ever.
posted by HATER 187 at 03:08 PM on December 09, 2005
Keep your fingers crossed Hatford residents, it might happen. It's true that there are two NHL teams that are considering relocation, the Pens and the Preds. The Predators will go to Winnipeg and the Penguins to Portland. However, there might be that glimmer of hope, beyond Houston. L.A. is getting a football team, and D.C. got a baseball team, maybe Hartford will get a hockey team.
posted by Joe88 at 03:27 PM on December 09, 2005
If there is hope, then maybe Chicago will get a hockey team too! Also, re: the use of "punk'd" in the article... I sort of wrinkled my brow when i read that Jays pitching coach Brad Arnsberg related that when Beckett called him to tell him he was coming to the Jays, he strung him along a bit and Arnsberg says... "I told him that I felt used that he would use our relationship (as a negotiating ploy). It was three to four minutes into the call until I realized what was going on. What's that show that Ashton (Kutcher) has? "Punk'd?" They got me good." The actual quote isn't quite as odd as the image of Arnberg saying that he was "totally punk'd, yo" (which was the image I had when I first read the story and there was no direct quote).
posted by gspm at 04:47 PM on December 09, 2005
Whoops! Thanks YukonGold! (As an aside on the Whalers jersey, that logo was a thing of beauty, from the old school of logos that incorporated so much information, yet resembled abstract blobs - how many people noticed the subtle "H" formed by the "W" and the whale tail?)
posted by loquax at 08:38 PM on December 09, 2005
Think how the fans of the Marlins feel... They were "punk'd" in March 2002 and are just now reaching that "wha? wait a minute? Are you a real cop?" moment. I hope the Marlins move soon. If they make it to Nevada I'd like to see them name the team after "The Strip." Imagine the mascot for the Las Vegas Strippers?
posted by ?! at 10:28 PM on December 09, 2005
Excellent, yukon. I'm trying desperatelly to find a Shanny Whalers ... but a gamer. :)
posted by wfrazerjr at 12:13 PM on December 10, 2005
Thanks everyone, I had a good time making the connection. loquax, The modern logo was created by a Graphic Designer, Peter Good who, ironically, worked and lived in the same town I did in Connecticut. I've always thought it was one of the best logos (from a design perspective) you'll find in pro sports. As a side note, I'd add the new Patriots logo, Calgary Flames, the North Stars, and the new Mavericks logo as my favorite designs. As for jersey watch, I'm looking for a c.1986 all green #10 Francis jersey. Should anyone want to send me one for christmas, I can provide the address. With everyone else we almost have a Whaler all-star team ready to go. This site has great throwbacks but no Whalers due to NHL licensing regulations. Boo, hiss.
posted by YukonGold at 04:27 PM on December 10, 2005
Yukon are you serious the new Pats logo sucks. I know the old sucked worse, but the new one still looks like an arena league logo.
posted by Fade222 at 06:51 PM on December 10, 2005
Fade, he's a designer. It's probably some negative space thing. They all get half-mast talking about the arrow hidden in the Fedex logo.
posted by yerfatma at 07:17 PM on December 10, 2005
since you pitched semi pro ball, you probably have a better perspective from seeing all the logos up close.
posted by YukonGold at 07:38 PM on December 11, 2005
Your article should be put in a time capsule yukon. What a three year ride. Thanks.
posted by justgary at 12:35 PM on December 14, 2005
If you do that include a VHS copy of Bravo's Celebrity Poker Challenge. I have a feeling that may dissapear need unearthing somewhere down the line.
posted by YukonGold at 12:50 PM on December 14, 2005
Is there a reason Dave Foley plays a woman on that or does he just miss KiTH?
posted by yerfatma at 02:43 PM on December 14, 2005
/pages Kevin Dineen