The teachings of Jeremy Shockey.: That sound you hear is me, standing on my chair, applauding Jeremy Shockey. Applauding his bravery. Applauding his compassion. Applauding his decision to finally — through his own ironic comedic example, playing the fool to smarten us all up — show these supermarket S.O.B.'s that 10 items or less means 10 items or less!
posted by Ufez Jones to culture at 10:01 PM - 7 comments
Funny column. One quibble on more serious matters than Jeremy Shockey: If multiple items have the same price, they should be counted as one item in the express lane. Twenty-five jars of baby food were probably as quick to ring up as one.
posted by rcade at 07:09 AM on September 25, 2005
Shockey is a mean, miserable prick. Actually, that's the way I like my football and hockey players.
posted by drevl at 07:50 AM on September 25, 2005
This is kinda ironic- this just happened to my grandmother at a Wal Mart last week. Some lady had like 40 items, and she complained- like all old people do about everything. Anyway, the cashier said that they cant refuse anyone. So next time your in Wal Mart, go to the express lane!
posted by redsoxrgay at 08:00 AM on September 25, 2005
That is the dumbest article I have ever read. I am still trying to figure out what that article was about. Shockey didn't write the commercial he just acted in it. I don't know much about Shockey (other than being a big SOB with good hands) but if he is a prophet, i'm Martha Stewart (and I hate Martha Stewart)
posted by mcstan13 at 11:49 AM on September 25, 2005
I don't know much about Jeremy Shockey but he sure comes across as a complete and utter asshole. And the express lane stuff is crap, people break the limit all the time, the cashier's aren't allowed to tell them to move to another line.
posted by fenriq at 06:38 PM on September 27, 2005
Hey I just saw the commercial- Not that funny- just kinda stupid.
posted by redsoxrgay at 02:46 PM on September 28, 2005
Really all I have to add is, but damn Greg Wyshynski knows how to write a fantastic final line.