Nose tackle has special abilities: 3-1, 110 pounds and thigh-high to his teammates.
But Martin was denied a chance to play last week against Mount Healthy (Cincinnati) by the game's assigned officials, who cited improper equipment. Dayton Public Schools athletics director Jonas Smith, who oversees five high schools, says: "They (the officials) said he wasn't wearing shoes and other (protective) pads. It was their call, but I was disappointed with the decision." Thats a load of shit, talk about a bunch of scared officials. No shoes, where did they want him to put them? I am surprised that they got away with it.
posted by jojomfd1 at 06:36 PM on September 23, 2005
Great post by the way. Thanks
posted by jojomfd1 at 06:36 PM on September 23, 2005
That's nuts. Thanks.
posted by yerfatma at 06:37 PM on September 23, 2005
More power to him. Im glad he doesnt let his disadvantage in life interupt his desire to succeed. However (as odd as this may sound) i think he is an automatic advantage to his team. they basically have a damn bowling ball in there stopping the other teams run game. Awsome. God bless this young guy for not taking no for an answer. i'll also start the bad jokes that surely will follow. 1. i guess he never has to worry about tearing an ACL. 2.The center he plays against never has to worry about being called for a "chop block". 3.He can play great and prove to spike lee once and for all that "its definitely not the shoes".
posted by RZA at 06:40 PM on September 23, 2005
There have been several instances of guys with missing limbs succeeding in wrestling. Granted, it's not football, but here's a cool story from Down Under anyway.
posted by Samsonov14 at 07:14 PM on September 23, 2005
posted by RZA at 6:40 PM CST on September 23 Not only are these jokes not funny, they are in very bad taste.
posted by daddisamm at 10:38 PM on September 23, 2005
Is there a point here?
posted by yerfatma at 10:42 PM on September 23, 2005
calm down daddi. I'm an amputee myself. we want to be thought of as everyday people. This guy is playing football for God sake. he doesnt need your 2 bit worthless ingenuine sympathy. People will laugh at elvis jokes and he's dead. nothing health wise is worse than dead. take it how it is intended.(to treat him like everyone else is treated). When will you people get it????????????
posted by RZA at 02:24 AM on September 24, 2005
People will laugh at elvis jokes and he's dead. nothing health wise is worse than dead. take it how it is intended.(to treat him like everyone else is treated). When will you people get it???????????? I dont like Elvis Jokes either. Look, I understand where you are coming from. However, I also know amputees that wouldn't find those jokes that funny. Jokes are one of those "double-edge swords" They can be funny and hurtfull at the same time. As a person who stutters, I have heard stuttering jokes all my life. Heck I have even made stuttering jokes to show that I am OK with who I am. You know, there is a part of me that really is bothered by those jokes. I am glad that you are comfortable with who are. I just dont find your jokes funny.
posted by daddisamm at 05:25 AM on September 24, 2005
Does this nose tackle have... you know... tackle?
posted by JJ at 06:33 AM on September 24, 2005
Doesn't have to worry about the "chop block"? Don't you think that is a little bit of a low blow?
posted by erkno11 at 10:28 AM on September 24, 2005
We're close to crossing into that PC argument territory again (football team names/mascots, religion) and, really, wouldn't you all rather celebrate this kid's achievements and attitude? RZA, you're new here so have some slack on me but please let's not go there, okay?
posted by billsaysthis at 04:13 PM on September 24, 2005
man wtf? Please read my entire damn post. Dont just comment on the jokes. More power to him. Im glad he doesnt let his disadvantage in life interupt his desire to succeed. God bless this young guy for not taking no for an answer You say you have "cracked jokes" about stuttering. then i find you addressing my jokes a little hypocritical, since obviously your jokes came before mine. however, your opinion is yours and mine opinion is mine. Im bald. want to let me have it so you'll feel alittle better? G G G...Go for it (j/k)
posted by RZA at 06:05 PM on September 24, 2005
I am bald too. I cracked stuttuering jokes to try to ease the pain of people teasing-ie to show them its doesnt botter me" Well it didnt work. I dont joke about it any more. I am glad you can joke about it and found that I cant. So I wont be "going for it" You are right have hvae my opinion and you have yours. By the way--I am bald too! :-)
posted by daddisamm at 10:14 PM on September 24, 2005
G G G...Go for it (j/k) posted by RZA at 6:05 PM CST on September 24 That isn't funny at all, lay off it already ass.
posted by jojomfd1 at 11:43 PM on September 24, 2005
You guys should all just knock it off. You are acting like my little cousins (ages 4 and 9) Just knock it off going back and forth. Besides, I thought that we were talking about a kid with skills at Nose Tackle. P.S Good jokes by RZA. :)
posted by redsoxrgay at 08:15 AM on September 25, 2005
I agree redsoxgay--this is a wonderful of a guy who has never given up.
posted by daddisamm at 09:59 AM on September 25, 2005
You guys should all just knock it off. You are acting like my little cousins (ages 4 and 9) Just knock it off going back and forth I'll remember that. We all should take this to heart. At one time oranother we have gotten into a stupid childish argument. I know that I have. I bet you have too, if you really think about it!
posted by daddisamm at 10:02 AM on September 25, 2005
neat link. Hats off to this young man.