McNabb insists he has no issues with T.O.: Why not ? He should , matter of fact he should be pissed as hell . As leader of the Eagles offense he should take exception to having anyone on the team holding up the chances of fullfilling the objective of the squad , which is winning the Super Bowl . Although Owens did play a great game considering being out 6 weeks with a leg injury it was McNabb and the rest of the team who played every game getting into the championship game . Jumping on one player for being tired or sick at the end of the game was just childish and uncalled for . There are many plays during a game that if just one had come out differently then maybe the Eagles wouldnt have been behind at the end trying to catch up . A defensive play may have kept the Patriots from scoring and would never had been in that position , whos to say . Of course this is Owens we are talking about with a long history of immaturity . Grow up T.O. , the Eagles made it to the Super Bowl while you sat on the bench so maybe your not as important as you think ,now if the Eagles can just get themselves to believe it .
posted by evil empire to football at 09:20 AM - 9 comments
Can we say, "Political statement"?
posted by dbt302 at 10:20 AM on July 31, 2005
amen dbt- however McNabb may feel about TO, he has to toe the party line and try his best to keep the team cohesive. As much as 'pundits' decry TO or, in the case of Jason Whitlock, who thinks he's got the right to renegotiate, The Eagles are a corporation with a unified goal /vision, McNabb is the face of it. Keeping the faith--at least publicly--is part of his job description.
posted by markovitch at 06:46 PM on July 31, 2005
T.O. is a little full of himself at times. But, if Mcnabb is being a Player-Hater! He has no reason to be. He is one of the "Best Players" in the league. His power to move forward even with all obstacles in his way, makes him undefeated in spirit. What T.O. needs to do is instead of using that "Sharpie" for signing posters and footballs, he needs to be using it to take cliff notes on how a real player plays the game. And, only McNabb can teach him how to do that. If T.O. don't think he's to good to learn.
posted by sumthang4yoazz at 08:31 PM on July 31, 2005
Truly, that is something for all our posteriors.
posted by yerfatma at 06:10 AM on August 01, 2005
Listen, who cares if T.O. and McNabb don't get along! They are paid millions of dollars a year to perform at there best. I guarantee that it will be business as usual. Although, the media is going to blow the whole thing out of proportion. Please, Let's Get Ready For Football! I do believe however if T.O. is traded by some chance there will be shit to say, on both sides!
posted by royalgold72 at 08:28 AM on August 01, 2005
It's like painful poetry, isn't it? I almost find the metre ... and then I run into an unnecessary set of apostrophes.
posted by wfrazerjr at 08:51 AM on August 01, 2005
I put together a drum track for it by rolling down a fire escape in a trash can.
posted by yerfatma at 12:56 PM on August 01, 2005
Hey, the A's in the early '70s won divisions, leagues and even a World Series or so with a lot more than one player pissed off at another.
posted by billsaysthis at 03:28 PM on August 01, 2005
Whatever McNabb is saying or not, he's not making it back to the Super Bowl without T.O., so unless the Eagles can unload Owens, I think McNabb will continue to try to make nice publicly. If T.O. is traded, look for McNabb to be somewhat more forthcoming, a la Shaq after he was traded.